Mt. Baker (Easton Gl.) - '84

My Photos of Mt. Baker climb (Easton Glacier route)

On Aug. 25/26, 1984, I climbed Mt. Baker (10,778’ elevation) with Gayle, Erich and Bill. We started up the Baker Pass/Schreiber Meadows trail at 12:30 pm. We had lunch along the way. We reached the camp site at 6,200’ at 3:30 pm. The next morning we got up at 4:30 am. I could see the lights of Bellingham and Mt. Vernon. We had breakfast, then put our crampons on. We left camp at 6:30 am. We roped up a short distance from camp. The weather was deteriorating, so we decided to cross the Deming Glacier and go up to the right of what is called the “Roman Wall”. This is the upper part of the Coleman-Deming  Glacier route.  The last 1,000’ had some places on it that were “as icy as a skating rink”. Gayle, Bill and I reached the summit at 12:30 pm. We were in the clouds for the last 1,000’. There were 40 mph gusts of wind on top. We had to be very careful during the descent due to the icy conditions. The four of us got back to our camp at 3:00 pm. We had “Jiffy Pop” at our camp site. We picked up camp and were heading down at 5:00 pm. We reached the trailhead at 7:00 pm. It was a cloudy day today, but it didn’t rain. We were the only team on the Easton Glacier route today.

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