- Sitemap
- Locale
- Twin Harbors Area
- Area_photos
- Measuring the lot
- Building the deck
- The finished deck
- The Beach House
- Beach House w/ new siding
- board walk
- boardwalk benches
- viewing platform
- beach at Westport
- sc0000c70c03
- sc0000c70c02
- sandcastle in Westport (1)
- sand castle in Westport (2)
- Wash-away Beach (1)
- Wash-away Beach (2)
- Wash-away Beach (3)
- Tokeland, WA
- Historic Tokeland Hotel
- U.S. Coastguard Lifeboat Station in Tokeland
- Grays Harbor Lighthouse
- "Surfs Up"
- Westport marina (1)
- Westport marina (2)
- Westport marina (3)
- Westport marina (4)
- Drift boat
- Chehalis R.
- Coho salmon (1)
- Coho salmon (2)
- salmon (3)
- Ruby Beach (1)
- Ruby Beach (2)
- Ruby Beach (3)
- Iron Springs
- clam digging in Grayland (1)
- clam digging in Grayland (2)
- Podcast
- Area_photos
- Lake Cushman
- Cabin at L. Cushman
- Vermont and the Terry trailer
- Mike and Nancy w/ VW bus
- Doris and Vermont’s first lot at L. Cushman
- Chris complained of “Chocolate Pancakes”
- LC_cabinIf02
- The Cabin (w/ flat roof) in Winter
- The Cabin in Summer
- Dick helped w/ design of new roof on the cabin
- Snowed in at the Cabin
- Mary Alice and her Dad
- Chris, Randee, Jenny and Jill (L to R)
- Jenny and Jill (L to R)
- Pete, UNK, UNK, Nils (L to R)
- Chris, Helen, Nancy (L to R)
- L. Cushman was low during the Winter
- Mike, Grandma Clara and Nancy
- Nancy and Mike, Mt. Ellinor & Mt. Washington
- Kathy, Donna, Brenda (L to R) and dog "Snoopy"
- Brenda, Kathy, Donna and L. Cushman resort
- Donna w/ Snoopy on Lake Cushman resort dock
- One of the community picnic areas
- Community picnic area
- Chris, Wayne (L to R)
- Mike golfing on L. Cushman golf course
- Mike putting, Vermont tending pin flag
- Vermont looking to add to his golf ball collection
- Group photo (note Vermont’s golf ball probe)
- Mike and Nancy
- Mike, Nancy and Doris
- Doris and Vermont (in front of the cabin)
- Nancy and Jill in front of fireplace
- Mike, Vermont, Clara, Jill and Doris (L to R)
- Jill on rocking horse inside the cabin’s living room
- Nancy and Jill during Winter snow
- Jill and dog during Winter snow
- LC_cabinKa
- Mike pulling Jill in snow
- Jill getting a ride on snow
- Doris pulling Jill on sled
- Mike pushing Vermont, Jill down hill
- Jill sliding down hill
- Jill
- Jill w/ saucer
- Trying out the El Toro sailboat on L. Cushman
- El Toro sailboat
- Kaylan, Mike, Wayne in El Toro sailboat
- Coming to shore
- Kaylan learning how to fish for Trout, Lower Lake
- Doris fixing eggs for breakfast (kitchen)
- Grandma Clara fixing French Toast
- Grandma Clara making a pie [on kitchen island]
- Nancy, Mike, Vermont, Doris, Clara (L to R)
- Getting Oysters
- Taking a break from harvesting oysters
- Vermont, Mike and Nancy (L to R)
- Doris and Mary Phylus (L to R)
- We would get them at low tide
- Nancy w/ an oyster
- We checked for a Red Tide alert...
- ...prior to harvesting the oysters
- OystersIb03
- Mike and Nancy
- Mike w/ bucket of oysters (notice tool)
- Don getting an oyster (notice tool)
- Flight over Olympics ('77)
- Pilot Geoff getting Super Cub ready to go
- Geoff
- picFlightOlyIa2
- Seattle and Mt. Rainier
- The Brothers
- Mt. Washington
- Flap Jack Lakes
- FlightOlyD03
- Super Cub taxiing on L. Cushman (1)
- FlightOlyE02
- Super Cub taxiing on L. Cushman (2)
- FlightOlyG01
- FlightOlyG02
- FlightOlyG03
- FlightolyH01
- picFlightOlyIa11
- picFlightOlyIa20
- picFlightOlyIa2b
- FlightOlyM01
- picFlightOlyIa4b
- FlightOlyN01
- picFlightOlyIa6b
- FlightOlyN02
- FlightOlyO01
- FlightOlyO02
- FlightOlyO03
- FlightOlyP01
- FlightOlyP02
- FlightOlyP03
- FlightOlyI01
- picFlightOlyIa18
- FlightOlyI02
- picFlightOlyIa15
- picFlightOlyIa16a
- FlightOlyJ01
- FlightOlyK01
- FlightOlyK02
- FlightOlyK03
- FlightOlyL01
- FlightOlyL02
- FlightOlyQ02
- FlightOlyT01
- FlightOlyU03
- FlightOlyU02
- FlightOlyV01
- FlightOlyQ01
- S. Peak of Mt. Olympus (1)
- S. Peak of Mt. Olympus (2)
- Mt. Olympus
- W. Peak Mt. Olympus
- FlightOlyX02
- FlightOlyX03
- picFlightOlyIIa29
- picFlightOlyIIa30
- picFlightOlyIIa31
- picFlightOlyIIa32
- FlightOlyZ01
- picFlightOlyIIa34
- picFlightOlyIIa35
- picFlightOlyIIa36
- picFlightOlyIIa37
- Cabin at L. Cushman
- Longview
- Water Skiing
- Don firing up the stove
- Tom showing Don how he cooks pancakes
- 3. Driving from campgound to boat launch
- Don [ultimate back seat driver]
- Dineen giving Wayne some advice
- 6. Tom and Marrie
- 7. waterskiingIa02
- Tom getting ready for standing dock start
- Chris getting ready
- Bruce is ready to step into it
- Tom just stepped into it
- Tom nearly up
- Marrie on skis
- Merrie crossing the wake
- Dineen showing good form, Silver L.
- Tracey, Silver L. (1)
- Tom going around a float
- Tom, Silver L., St. Helens in background
- Tom Jumping the wake
- Bruce w/ St. Helens in background
- 21. Don, Silver L.
- Tom, Silver L. (1)
- Bruce, St. Helens in background (2)
- Don, Mayfield L.
- Tom jumping the wake
- Don crossing the wake, St. Helens in background
- Tom, Silver L. (2)
- Chris, Silver L.
- Tom, getting close to dock
- 30. Tracey, Silver L. (2)
- 31. Tracey, St. Helens in background
- Wayne getting close to dock
- This looks like trouble
- Sitting dock start?
- This boat looks like it might have "the power"
- 5 skiers nearly up
- They did it!
- Rumor: A pyramid was done on a later date
- Tom thinking about his next [Tarzan] move
- Jump, Tom, jump!
- Tom jumped [not exactly like Tarzan]
- Tracey ready for his patented beach start
- Tom w/ L. Mayfield bridge in background
- Tom, L. Mayfield (1)
- Tom, jumping the wake
- Tracey, L. Mayfield (1)
- Tracey showing off his orange gloves (ouch!)
- Don, L. Mayfield (1)
- Don, L. Mayfield (2)
- Vintage Spirit Lake
- Spirit Lake (9)
- Spirit Lake (1)
- Dock at "Duck Bay"
- The YMCA camp barge
- Spirit Lake (2)
- View from Y camp
- Spirit Lake (3)
- Spirit Lake (4)
- Wayne fishing on Spirit Lake
- Spirit Lake (5)
- Spirit Lake (6)
- Spirit Lake (7)
- Spirit Lake (8)
- MtStHelens2101
- Spirit Lake campground
- MtStHelens502
- Spirit Lake picnic area
- Spirit Lake dock
- St. Helens Lake was a steep 3 mile hike
- Harmony Falls
- Truman's Lodge
- View toward "Mt. Margaret country" behind Spirit Lake
- MtStHelens1302
- Vintage Mt. St. Helens
- MtStHelens33
- Plains of Abraham
- MtStHelens3302
- Windy Pass
- Pumice is thick in the summer time
- A nice view from here
- MtStHelens17
- MtStHelens2102
- MtStHelens1702
- MtStHelens2103
- MtStHelens76
- MtStHelens2901
- Looking up toward “The Dogs Head”
- Good view of climbing route
- MtStHelens9
- Near start of the climb
- MtStHelens4903
- MtStHelens45
- MtStHelens49
- Top of the “Dogs Head”
- A break, on “The Dogs Head”
- Bill, Tom (L to R, foreground)
- MtStHelens5302
- The upper mountain, from “The Dogs Head”
- MtStHelens4902
- MtStHelens4501
- Put sunscreen on!
- MtStHelens4503
- A rest break
- MtStHelens4901
- MtStHelens53
- MtStHelens5301
- Ice formation on summit
- On the summit
- MtStHelens57
- MtStHelens61
- MtStHelens65
- A Fresca was opened, a blizzard appeared
- The walk across the crater
- The true summit (Leader: Don, 2nd from L)
- MtStHelens5703
- MtStHelens5702
- Don taking a summit photo
- MtStHelens6503
- MtStHelens69
- MtStHelens6901
- MtStHelens6502
- Heading back down
- View from Rainier, OR
- A good vantage point...
- for watching Mt. St. Helens...
- ...providing that the..
- ...weather cooperates.
- When I first got there, the mountain was not visible.
- And then it showed!
- Longview bridge & Port of Longview (1)
- Longview bridge & Port of Longview (2)
- The ash on St. Helens’ flank is easily visible
- Mt. St. Helens w/ ash (1)
- Mt. St. Helens w/ ash (2)
- Columbia R. at Longview (1)
- Columbia R. at Longview (2)
- Fishing
- Mt. St. Helens Area
- Silver Lake
- Spirit Lake
- Mt. Margaret
- Wildflowers along trail beyond St. Helens L.
- Indian Paint Brush along trail to Mt. Margaret area
- Lupine along trail
- picStHelens_L_E02
- Don, Rob (R to L) along trail
- Most of el. gain was 3m hike to St Helens L.
- Beyond the Lake, the steepness eased up
- as one gained elevation into the lush meadows
- of the Mt. Margaret area.
- I still remember selling Butter Toffee Peanuts
- to be able to attend the YMCA camp at Spirit L.
- We went on a 3 day backpacking trip
- to the Mt. Margaret area; at one point, my sleeping
- bag fell off my pack, and rolled down a hill.
- A glimpse of Spirit L. through the clouds (1)
- A glimpse of Spirit L. through the clouds (2)
- Climb (1973)
- Water Skiing
- Twin Harbors Area
- Trails & Routes
- Olympics_W
- Mt. Olympus (W. Peak, '88)
- 1. David, Jim, Wayne (L to R)
- 2. Olympus Ranger Station (1)
- 3. Olympus Ranger Station (2)
- 4. Morning "alpenglow" on flank of Olympus (1)
- 5. Morning "alpenglow" on flank of Olympus (2)
- 6. Blue Glacier ice-fall
- 7. West Peak of Olympus on R skyline
- 8. Summit blk. of W. Pk. (our route is C, near top)
- 9. Jim just below the summit (1)
- 10. Jim just below the summit (2)
- 11. Wayne on summit
- 12. Jim, David, Maxama summit register box
- 13. View from summit (1)
- 14. Setting up rappel anchor
- 15. Looking W. at Mt. Tom from summit
- 16. E. & M. Peak from W. summit (L to R)
- 17. View from summit (2)
- 18. Olympus1x201
- 19. Looking at Snow Dome from summit
- 20. Member of another team, Jim (L to R0 on summit
- 21. Jim on summit
- 22. Another team, Wayne (L to R on summit
- 23. Jim doing a double-rope rappel off summit block
- 24. Climbers at base (our rappel on L side, W. Pk.)
- 25. Olympus1ss1703
- 26. Can you tell who the St. Louis Cardinals fan is?
- 27. The Ranger's team went up/down the class 3 route
- The Ranger's team
- Olympus1x203
- W. Peak from false summit ("5 Fingers")
- View of steep snow below W. Peak summit
- David, Jim ascending "Five Fingers"
- East & Middle Peaks (L to R) from "Five Fingers"
- View of Snow Dome from "Five Fingers"
- View of Snow Dome (1)
- View of Snow Dome (2)
- View of Snow Dome (3)
- Taking a break on the "Snow Dome" (1)
- Taking a break on the "Snow Dome" (2)
- The top of the Snow Dome is relatively flat
- W. Peak and "5 Fingers" (R to L)
- Mt. Olympus from Blue Glacier
- Olympus Ranger Station (3)
- Near Trailhead. Wayne's hat, courtesy of Jim.
- Mt. Olympus (M. Peak, '97)
- Karen, Wayne, Brian, Juli (L to R) near start
- 2. Large tree along Hoh R. trail [Karen, Wayne (L to R)]
- 3. Bailey Range viewed from Hoh R. gravel bar
- 4. Brian, Karen, Juli [L to R] near Hoh R. bridge
- 5. Juli and Brian on Hoh R. bridge
- 6. Karen on the Hoh R. bridge
- 7. Looking down into gorge of Hoh R. directly below bridge
- Where Glacier Cr. and Hoh R. come together
- Gaining elevation before Glacier Meadows
- View of flank of Olympus from trail (1)
- View of flank of Olympus from trail (2)
- A chocolate muffin for breakfast at 4:00 a.m.
- The Blue Glacier (1)
- Looking across the Blue Glacier
- 15. View up the Blue Glacier (2)
- 16. A Rainbow and alpenglow on the Blue Gl. icefall
- 17. Morning alpenglow on the Snow Dome (1)
- 18. Morning alpenglow on the Snow Dome (2)
- 19. Approaching toward the Snow Dome
- Blue Glacier ice-fall (1)
- Blue Glacier ice-fall (2)
- We took a break on Snow Dome-weather was "iffy"
- We continued to Crystal Pass, and it cleared up!!!
- View of E. & M. Peak (L to R) from upper Blue Gl.
- Looking forward on upper Blue Glacier
- Looking back toward W. Peak of Olympus
- M. Peak on R [we went to top from snow high-point]
- Post M. Peak summit photo of Karen, Wayne
- Juli and Brian near summit of M. Peak
- Looking toward W. Peak from Middle Peak
- Looking across Glacier from M. Peak Olympus
- Crevasse on upper Blue Glacier
- Retracing our steps back
- On our way back
- Tshletshy Cr. Trail ('81)
- 1. Queets R. Trailhead
- 2. Queets Trailhead, note 135mm lens
- 3. Later on, left boots on to cross creeks
- 4. Crossing the Queets R. at Trailhead
- 5. Trail along Queets R.
- 6. The Queets rain forest
- 7. The John Andrews ranch
- 8. Andrews barn (1)
- 9. Bull elk antler found near Andrews ranch
- 10. Andrews barn (2)
- 11. Andrews barn (3)
- 12. A doe deer
- 13. Sign of record tree along Queets R.
- 14. Record Douglas Fir (1)
- 15. Record Douglas Fir (2)
- Record Douglas Fir (3)
- Record Douglas Fir (4)
- Queets R. Trail
- The moss is thick in a rain forest!
- Sign along Queets R. Trail
- “Smith Place” was built by George Shaube
- Smith Place
- The trail has not been maintained since 1942
- Looking for Elk (1)
- Looking for Elk (2)
- Looking for Elk (3)
- Had to wade Tshletshy Cr. many times on trip
- 1 of the orange markers along Tshletshy Cr. Trail
- My Early Winters tent along Tshletshy Cr. Trail
- Not much foot traffic on Tshletshy Cr. Trail
- Elk along Tshletshy Cr. Trail (1)
- Elk along Tshletshy Cr. Trail (2)
- Elk along Tshletshy Cr. Trail (3)
- Elk along Tshletshy Cr. Trail (4)
- Getting closer to “civilization”
- Three Lakes Shelter
- Greg & Joy from Seattle
- Wayne, before Gortex; it rained on this trip!
- Sign pointing to the Skyline Trail
- Trail junction
- Three Lakes
- “Low bush Huckleberries” are wonderful!
- Queets2DoseB9
- Is that blue sky?
- Trail junction, note rain protection on pack
- View prior to descent along Elip Cr. Trail
- N. Fork Quinault R. Trail; a bit of sunshine!
- Sign along the N. Fork Quinault R. Trail
- Stalding Cr. bridge along N. Fork Quinault R. Trail
- Stalding Cr. bridge
- Lake Mary
- The Roosevelt Elk
- Hoh Rain Forest (1)
- Hoh Rain Forest (2)
- Photo taken through window of vehicle (1)
- Photo taken through window of vehicle (2)
- Herd of Elk along main road near Campground
- HohElkB10
- 2 Elk along pond near Campground
- HohElkB25
- HohElkB28
- HohElkB29
- Elk feeding along pond near Campground
- HohElkB21
- HohElkB22
- HohElkB23
- HohElkB19
- Elk herd crossing the main road (1)
- Elk herd crossing the main road (2)
- HohElkA3401
- Herd of elk across Hoh R.
- Bull elk and cows across Hoh R. (1)
- Bull elk and cows across Hoh R. (2)
- Bull elk and cows across Hoh R. (3)
- Gl.Mead./Elwah Bsn.Trip 1
- The Blue Glacier
- Glacier Pass
- Hoh Glacier
- East Peak Mt. Olympus from Camp Pan
- Athena’s Owl (R of Center on skyline)
- Mid. and E. Pk Olympus (L to R) from Circe
- Hermes (frgrnd), Athena (aka S. Peak Olympus)
- Tim, Jim on summit of Circe
- Jeffers Glacier from Circe
- Humes Glacier from Circe
- Wayne on summit of Circe
- Aries from Camp Pan
- BailyTripII_89_Ab
- Jim just below Aries summit
- Wayne on [“airy”] summit of Aries
- BailyTripII_89_Aa
- BailyTripII_89_Aa-1
- BailyTripII_89_Aa-2
- picBailey_89_n9
- Tim giving Jim a boot-axe belay during descent
- Steep snowfield leading down near Aries summit
- Heading back to Camp Pan
- Return to Camp Pan
- Camp Pan water supply
- Camp Pan, Apollo [aka Mt. Mathias]
- BailyTripII_89_Ab-1
- Sunrise at Camp Pan
- Descending Humes Glacier (1)
- Looking up at Aries from Humes Glacier
- Descending Humes Glacier (2)
- BailyTripII_89_Ab-2
- BailyTripII_89_Ab-3
- Toe of Humes Glacier
- Mt. Barnes [L of C skyline] from Humes Gl.
- Wayne at toe of Humes Glacier
- Queets Basin (1)
- Queets Basin (2)
- Approaching Dodwell-Rixon Pass
- Mt. Olympus, from Camp near Dodwell-Rixon Pass
- Sunset from Camp near Dodwell-Rixon Pass
- Summit of Mt. Queets is on the left skyline
- BailyTripII_89_Ac
- Summit of Mt Queets
- BailyTripII_89_Ac-1
- Mt. Olympus, from Camp near Dodwell-Rixon Pass
- Humes Gl. & Olympus from Bailey Traverse
- View toward Mt. Childs along Bailey Traverse
- Mt. Queets, from Bailey Traverse
- The Ragamuffin and Urchin (L to R)
- The Crislers referred to these 3 Peaks as "The Prophets" (see Ref. 2); we climbed the left one
- BailyTripII_89_Ac-2
- Tim on summit of unnamed ~6,000' peak next to the Ragamuffin
- BailyTripII_89_Ac-3
- Wayne on summit of unnamed ~6,000' peak next to the Ragamuffin [mirror image]
- BailyTripII_89_Ad
- Looking toward Mt. Queets, from Mt. Childs
- Tim, Jim on summit of Mt. Childs
- Wayne on summit of Mt. Childs
- Mt. Childs (L of center)
- BailyTripII_89_Ad-1
- picBailey_89_n17
- Tim, Jim on summit of Mt. Barnes
- Wayne on summit of Mt. Barnes
- Looking toward Apollo, from Mt. Barnes [?]
- View of NW ridge high up on Mt. Queets
- View near summit of Mt. Queets
- View of the long NW ridge of Mt. Queets
- Elwha Snow Finger
- Gl.Mead./Elwah Bsn.Trip 2A
- Juli on the Hoh R. bridge
- Karen taking a break on the Hoh R. bridge
- Wayne on the Hoh R. bridge
- Karen at Glacier Meadows
- Blue glacier, and Glacier Pass
- Blue glacier (1)
- Blue glacier (2)
- Looking up toward Glacier Pass
- Looking back from near Glacier Pass
- Taking a break on rock formation on Hoh glacier
- Many landmarks named after Greek Gods, e.g. Pan
- View from Camp Pan
- “Room with a View”, Camp Pan
- Camp Pan (1)
- Camp Pan (2)
- Flank of Mt. Circe (1)
- Flank of Mt. Circe (2)
- Climbing Mt. Circe
- Near top of Mt. Circe
- Karen, Juli and Brian [L to R] on Circe summit
- No register entries since our Trip 12 years ago!
- Mt. Aries and Humes glacier
- View from summit onto Humes glacier
- Mt Olympus-Middle and East Peak (L to R) (1)
- Mt Olympus-Middle and East Peak (L to R) (2)
- OlyTravT2n6502
- Keeping the food away from critters
- Camp Pan (3)
- Sunrise at Camp Pan
- Upper Hoh glacier (early morning photo)
- Mt. Olympus (East Peak) as seen from Camp Pan
- Breakfast at Camp Pan, can see Glacier Pass
- Blizzard Pass (1)
- Blizzard Pass (2)
- Icarus Peak and Humes glacier
- Humes glacier (2)
- Descending from Blizzard Pass
- Humes glacier (3)
- Descending Humes glacier
- Tarn at toe of Humes glacier
- Looking up at Humes glacier from toe
- Taking off the crampons
- Wayne at toe of Humes, Circe is L skyline
- OlyTravT2n8103
- OlyTravT2n85
- Descending toward creek below Humes glacier
- Gl.Mead./Elwah Bsn.Trip 2B
- 1. The X-country trail [not always obvious]
- 2. Queets Basin [aka Garden of the Gods]
- 3. Queets Basin
- 4. Approaching Dodwell-Rixon Pass (1)
- 5. Approaching Dodwell-Rixon Pass (2)
- Beargrass (1)
- Beargrass (2)
- One of the sources of the Queets R.
- Mt. Queets
- Mt. Queets towers above Dodwell-Rixon Pass
- Camp site near Dodwell-Rixon Pass (1)
- Camp site near Dodwell-Rixon Pass (2)
- OlyTravT2n109
- OlyTravT2n11303
- Camp site near Dodwell-Rixon Pass (3)
- Sunset (Mt. Circe L of Center)
- Looking toward Humes glacier w/ morning sun (1)
- Looking toward Humes glacier w/ morning sun (2)
- A nice day hike from Dodwell-Rixon Pass is to take...
- ... a day trip along the Bailey Traverse toward Mt. Childs
- Bear Pass (part of Bailey Traverse)
- Along Bailey Traverse
- Mt. Childs
- One of "Fleet" Ratliff’s Summit Registers from ’83 Trip
- A good time to go-fly-a-kite
- “Catching some air”, prior to picking up Camp
- Leaving Dodwell-Rixon Pass
- Elwha Snow Finger (1)
- Collapsed snow bridge along Elwha Snow Finger
- Elwha Snow Finger (2)
- Descending Elwha Snow Finger
- We nearly lost a boot down stream from here
- Luckily caught boot left of white water [what joy!]
- Elwha Basin (1)
- Elwha Basin (2)
- North Fork Quinault R.
- OlyTravT2n12502
- Mt. Olympus (W. Peak, '88)
- Olympics_N
- 7 Lakes Basin (Trip 1A)
- Sol Duc Falls
- Deer Lake (1)
- Deer Lake (2)
- Karen, Juli (L to R) at the Pot Holes Meadow Camp site
- The 1st evening, we had dinner on a ridge above our camp site
- SevenLksBsn_Ab-2
- The 2nd morning, we were on the ridge trail that led to the 7 Lakes Basin
- We dropped our packs near this spot to hike to Lunch Lake
- Round Lake (1)
- Lunch Lake (1)
- Lunch Lake (2)
- Juli at Lunch Lake
- Lunch Lake (3)
- Lunch Lake (4)
- Karen, Juli (L to R) looking at the map (1)
- Karen, Juli (L to R) looking at the map (2)
- Lunch Lake (5)
- Lunch Lake (6)
- Lunch Lake (7)
- Lunch Lake (8)
- Round Lake (2)
- Wayne along trail near Round Lake
- SevenLksBsn_Ah-3
- View looking down to 7 Lakes Basin from the ridge trail (1)
- View looking down to 7 Lakes Basin from ridge trail (2)
- View looking down to 7 Lakes Basin from ridge trail (3)
- View looking down to 7 Lakes Basin from ridge trail (4)
- View looking down to 7 Lakes Basin from ridge trail (5)
- SevenLksBsn_Ai-3
- Mt. Olympus (1)
- SevenLksBsn_Aj-2
- Karen, Juli (L to R) at Hoh Lake trail junction
- Mt. Olympus (2)
- The trail traverses below Bogachiel Peak summit
- The Bailey range can be seen in the distance (center)
- Juli taking in the view on top of Bogachiel Peak
- Juli, Karen (L to R) on Bagachiel Peak
- Mt. Olympus (3)
- Mt. Olympus (4)
- Mt. Olympus (5)
- Mt. Olympus (6)
- The Bailey Range
- SevenLksBsn_Ar-2
- Mt. Olympus (7)
- Juli along trail near Bogachiel Peak
- Karen along trail near Bagachiel Peak
- Juli, Karen (L to R) at the "High Divide"
- Heart Lake (1)
- Heart Lake (2)
- We spotted a herd of elk near the top of this ridge (1)
- We spotted a herd of elk near the top of this ridge (2)
- SevenLksBsn_Ap-1
- SevenLksBsn_At-1
- 7 Lakes Basin (Trip 1B)
- Dear in meadow near pond seen from trail near begining of the Bailey Traverse
- Mt. Olympus peeking through the clouds (1)
- Mt. Olympus peeking through the clouds (2)
- Mt. Olympus peeking through the clouds (3)
- Pond along trail near the start of the Bailey Traverse
- Mt. Olympus (1)
- Karen next to a tall cairn near "The Catwalk"
- Looking toward the summit of Cat Peak
- It dropped a bit, before the final climb to the summit
- Karen, Juli (L to right) about an hour away from the Cat Peak summit
- Karen, Wayne about an hour away from the true summit of Cat Peak
- Mt. Carrie
- The ridge route up Cat Peak [above the Catwalk]
- Mt. Olympus (2)
- Looking down at "the Catwalk"
- The Hoh River valley (1)
- The Hoh River valley (2)
- Mt. Olympus (3)
- Stock camp site at Cat Basin
- Cat Peak peeking through the clouds (Cat Basin)
- Juli, Karen (L to R) at Cat Basin
- Cat Basin (1)
- Cat Basin (2)
- Wayne w/ C. of "Low Bush Huckleberries" for breakfast
- Black bear at Cat Basin (1)
- Black Bear at Cat Basin (2)
- Back bear feasting on huckle berries
- SevenLksBsn_Bb-1
- 7 Lakes Basin (Trip 2)
- Juli, Karen, Wayne (L to R) near Sol Duc Falls
- Juli crossing the Sol Duc R. on a foot bridge
- Karen, Juli (L to R) on a rock bench, near Heart Lake
- Mt. Olympus (1)
- Mt. Olympus (2)
- Mt. Olympus (3)
- Karen taking a break near High Divide
- Karen made a banana cream pie for everyone
- Black bear at Cat Basin
- Swimming Bear Lake (1)
- Ssimming Bear Lake (2)
- Mt. Carrie (highest) and Cat Peak [on R] (1)
- Mt. Carrie (highest) and Cat Peak [on R] (2)
- Looking at the route of the Appleton Pass to Cat Basin traverse
- Cat Basin, seen from near Swimming Bear Lake
- Mt. Olympus (4)
- Mt. Olympus (5)
- Mt. Olympus (6)
- Mt. Olympus (8)
- The ridge route leading to the summit of Cat Peak
- The summit of Cat Peak is on the right
- Karen, Juli (L to R) on ridge route of Cat Peak (1)
- Karen, Juli (L to R) on ridge route of Cat Peak (2)
- Juli and Karen "catching some air" on ridge route to Cat Peak summit
- SevenLksBsb_Db-3
- Juli, Karen (L to R) on ridge route to Cat Peak summit
- Karen, Juli (L to R) on summit of Cat Peak (1)
- Karen, Juli (L to R) on summit of Cat Peak (2)
- Karen, Juli (L to R) on summit of Cat Peak (3)
- Juli soaking in the view on Cat Peak summit
- Karen soaking in the view on summit of Cat Peak
- View from summit of Cat Peak (1)
- Mt. Carrie, seen from summit of Cat Peak
- Mt. Olympus, seen from summit of Cat Peak
- View from summit of Cat Peak (2)
- Looking down the ridge route of Cat Peak
- View from ridge route on Cat Peak
- SevenLksBsb_Dd-3
- SevenLksBsb_De-1
- Mt. Olympus (9)
- Mt. Olympus (10)
- View of 7 Lakes Basin from High Divide Trail (1)
- SevenLksBsb_Df-2
- View of 7 Lakes Basin from High Divide Trail (2)
- View of 7 Lakes Basin from High Divide Trail (3)
- Mt. Olympus (11)
- Juli, Karen (L to R) on Bogachiel Peak
- Lunch Lake (1)
- Lunch Lake (2)
- Lunch Lake (3)
- Camp site at Lunch Lake
- Karen, Juli (L to R) at Lunch Lake camp site
- Juli, Karen (L to R) taking a break just before the Pot Holes meadow
- picSevenLksBsb_E2
- Sol Duc Falls
- Bailey Traverse (Trip 1A)
- View from Hurricane Ridge
- Bailey Range from Hurricane Ridge (1)
- Bailey Range from Hurricane Ridge (1)
- Bailey Range from Hurricane Ridge (3)
- Goat at camp 1 (near Appleton Pass)
- Goat near headwaters of Soleduck R. (&Camp 1)
- Buck deer near camp 1
- Looking toward Mt. Carrie (0)
- Looking toward Mt. Olympus (1)
- View looking toward Mt. Carrie [on R]
- Looking toward Olympus w/ Cat Peak in fgnd (1)
- Looking toward Olympus w/ Cat Peak in fgnd (2)
- Looking toward Mt. Olympus (2)
- Taking a break
- Getting ready to leave Camp 2 (Cat Basin)
- Jim, Tim (L to R) and “Bailey Range” sign
- Wayne and “Bailey Range” sign
- The “Cat Walk” and Hoh River
- Meadow above Boston Charlie’s Camp site
- Snow field on Mt. Carrie
- Tim, Jim (L to R) on summit of Mt. Carrie
- View from summit of Mt. Carrie (1)
- View from summit of Mt. Carrie (2)
- BailyTrav1nB3
- Summit of Mt. Carrie
- We remained at 5K ft for much of the Traverse
- Hoh River valley
- “Guess who’s coming for dinner?” [Camp 3]
- Goat in meadow, near Camp 3
- Misty Goat, near Camp 3
- View from Bailey Traverse
- Looking back along the route we came
- Cream Lake
- We had wet weather one day (lens got damp)
- BailyTripIIn16
- Mt. Ferrey, Mt. Pulitzer (L to R)
- Bailey Traverse (2)
- The X-country trail
- We crossed numerous gullies during the traverse
- Route finding at times was a problem
- Drying things out at Camp 5
- Mt. Ferry, from Camp 5
- View from Camp 5
- Snow cones at Camp 5, drying things out
- Pancakes for dinner
- Camp 5
- Mt. Olympus and Hoh Glacier
- Leaving Camp 5
- Mt. Pulitzer [aka Snagtooth]
- View of Mt. Olympus from Mt. Ferry summit
- View of Mt. Pulitzer from Mt. Ferry summit
- Mt. Olympus, on day hike South from Camp 6
- Day hike South viewpoint (1)
- The Ragamuffin and Urchin (L to R)
- Mt. Olympus (1)
- Mt. Olympus (2)
- Bailey Traverse (Trip 1B)
- Day hike South turn around point
- BailyTripIIIn901
- Day hike South viewpoint (2)
- Mt. Scott
- BailyTripIIIn1302
- BailyTripIIIn1301
- BailyTripIIIn13
- Camp 6 and goat (on flank of Mt. Ferry)
- Mt. Pulitzer and Goat (1)
- Mt. Pulitzer and Goat (2)
- BailyTripIIIn2101
- Goat near Camp 6
- Mt. Pulitzer and Goat (3)
- Route finding on Ludden Peak
- View from summit of Ludden Peak (1)
- View from summit of Ludden Peak (2)
- Camp 7 at Ludden/Scott saddle
- Looking back from Ludden/Scott saddle
- Route to trail that ends on flank of Ludden Peak
- Looking back at Mt. Scott
- Back on a trail
- Bailey Range as seen from Long Ridge Trail (1)
- Bailey Range as seen from Long Ridge Trail (2)
- Bailey Range as seen from Long Ridge Trail (3)
- Bailey Traverse (Trip 2)
- Looking toward Hayden Pass and Sentinel Peak
- View from summit of Sentinel Peak
- Mt Anderson and the Eel Glacier
- Sentinel Peak and Mt. Anderson (L to R)
- Headwaters of the Elwha R.
- We stayed above the lower Snow Finger
- Then dropped down and ascended the upper part
- Snow Finger
- Elwha Snow Finger (1)
- Elwha Snow Finger (2)
- Sunset near Dodwell-Rixon Pass
- Andy at Camp site near Dodwell-Rixon Pass
- Mt. Circe, Aries, Olympus above the Humes Glacier
- Camp site near Mt. Pulitzer
- Tarn near Camp site [our camp water source]
- Nearly done with dinner
- Sunset (1)
- Sunset (2)
- BailyTrip3n4403
- Ludden Peak and Mt. Scott (L to R)
- Ludden Peak
- Ludden Peak and Mt.Scott
- View of X-country route below Mt. Ferry
- Starting the descent
- Andy descending X-country trail
- “A vegetable belay” past Ludden/Scott saddle
- Near Dodger Point
- Meadow near Dodger Point
- The Bailey Range
- Water fall along trail
- Mother bear and cub 25 yds off trail (too close!)
- Mother bear & cub
- Andy on Elwha Bridge
- Wayne on Elwha Bridge (fishing rod in pack)
- Elwha River
- Elwha River Trail Trip - 1993
- Wayne at Camp Site, 1993 trip
- Andy at Camp Site, 1993 trip (1)
- Andy at Camp Site, 1993 trip (2)
- Andy cooking a pancake at Camp Site, 1993 trip
- Doe and fawn, 1993 trip
- Elkhorn Camp, 1992 trip
- 1992_Elwha_2
- Camp Site 1992 trip (1)
- Camp Site 1992 trip (2)
- 1992_Elwha_6
- 1992_Elwha_7
- Whiskey Bend trailhead sign
- 1989_Elwha_1
- 1989_Elwha_2
- 1989_Elwha_3
- 1989_Elwha_4
- Wayne w/ Trout for dinner, 1989 trip
- Karen & Wayne (L to R) at Humes Ranch, 1989 trip
- 7 Lakes Basin (Trip 1A)
- Olympics_E
- Gladys Divide
- Trail to Flap Jack Lakes
- Damaged bridge on trail to Flapjack Lakes (1)
- Large fungus on hike to Gladys Pass
- Tarn along hike to Gladys Pass
- Trail go Gladys Pass
- Wildflowers along Trail to Gladys Divide (1)
- Wildflowers along Trail go Gladys Divide (2)
- Wildflowers along Trail to Gladys Divide (3)
- Wildflowers along Trail to Gladys Divide (4)
- Wildflowers along Trail to Gladys Divide (5)
- View toward Sawtooth Ridge
- Wildflowers near Gladys Divide
- Gladys Divide
- Looking down "otherside" from Gladys Divide
- There were some clouds initially at Gladys Pass (1)
- There were some clouds initially at Gladys Pass (2)
- Then it cleared; view of Sawtooth Ridge
- Same view, different trip
- Needle Pass; note basalt pillows in foreground
- Needle Pass
- Flank of Mt. Cruiser
- Flank of cruiser (1)
- Flank of Cruiser (2)
- Mt. Cruiser (1)
- Mt. Cruiser (2)
- Cross Country traverse to Murdock Lakes
- Murdock Lakes (1)
- X-country route; On way back, saw fresh bear tracks
- Murdock Lake and Mt. Cruiser
- Murdock Lakes (2)
- View from Murdock Lakes
- GladyssPassIa503
- Flank of Mt. Cruiser (near Gladys Divide)
- Damaged bridge on trail to Flap Jack Lakes (2)
- Lena Lakes Trip 1
- Ready to go! [Rob, Tracey, Don (L to R)]
- This bridge is peculiar-it is over a dry creek bed
- Rob walking across a log
- Lower Lena Lake
- A good camp site along Lower Lena Lake
- I used a clear tarp [before I had a backpacking tent]
- It was ok to have a fire at Lower Lena L. in '76
- Washing dishes
- Don, "taking it easy"
- Rob, "taking it easy"
- Lower Lena Lake (1)
- I fly-fished all the way around the Lake
- Lower Lena Lake (2)
- Rob, hiking up to Upper Lena Lake
- Waterfall along trail
- Upper Lena L. & Mt. Bretherton (a basalt peak)
- Don, trout fishing w/ a Popiel's Pocket fisherman
- Some rain at Upper Lena L.
- Upper Lena L. (1)
- I tried to fish around the entire lake
- I had to gain some elevation; it got tricky
- As I recall, I had to turn around
- Upper Lena L. (2)
- Hiking out
- One of the bridges along the trail
- Lower Lena Lake trail
- A large spring, not far from the trail (1)
- A large spring, not far from the trail (2)
- A large spring, not far from the trail (3)
- A large spring, not far from the trail (4)
- Tired out at the end of the trip
- Mt. Washington (SE Ridge)
- Ascending “The Shield Wall” (1)
- Ascending “The Shield Wall” (2)
- Basalt pillows on SE Ridge
- Erich standing on “The Parapet” at top Shield Wall
- View from on top of “The Parapet”
- “First rappel” [off “The Parapet”]
- View of “Chin” and “Nose”, from “The Parapet”
- Ascending upper Southeast Ridge route
- Hood Canal, from where SE Ridge joins standard rt
- L. Cushman, from where SE Ridge joins standard rt
- We reached the summit of Mt. Washington at 7:30pm
- View of Mt. Washington’s SE Ridge (1)
- View of Mt. Washington’s SE Ridge (2)
- View toward A Peak near Mt. Ellinor
- View toward A-Peak near Mt. Ellinor
- Lost Peak (Dosewallips R. Trail)
- Where W. Fork Dose enters the Dosewallips R.
- Waterfall along Dosewallips Trail
- Juli and I watched the cougar for 10 sec.
- I didn’t have time to get a photo of it
- Juli noted that it had a black spot on its tail
- The view we saw wasn’t unlike this one
- It stopped on the trail, and looked back at us
- We started to get our ice axes out, just in case
- Before dark, Juli spotted a black bear in a meadow
- View of Dosewallips Valley
- A pioneer made this mark on a tree
- Juli climbing out of tent in the morning
- Juli w/ scrambled eggs for breakfast
- scrambled eggs
- Black bear in meadow at Lost Pass
- It was feeding on low bush huckleberries
- We watched it for 15 minutes
- Meadow above Lost Pass
- Buck and doe, near Lost Peak (2)
- Buck and doe, near Lost Peak (2)
- Juli near summit of Lost Peak
- Juli on summit of Lost Peak
- Wayne on summit of Lost Peak
- View from summit of Lost Peak (1)
- View from summit of Lost Peak (2)
- View from summit of Lost Peak (3)
- Mt. Cruiser ('87 & '00)
- Mildred Lakes (largest lake)
- Mt. Cruiser and Alpha Peak (L to R)
- Our route is above the scree near bottom
- Sawtooth Ridge (1)
- Sawtooth Ridge (2)
- Goats on Alpha Peak
- First trip to Sawtooth Ridge crest (1)
- First trip to Sawtooth Ridge crest (2)
- Cruiser summit block, 1st trip to Sawtooth Ridge crest
- Mildred Lakes; 2nd trip to Sawtooth Ridge crest
- Goat, and Mildred Lakes, near summit block
- Kid goat, Mildred Lakes, near summit block (1)
- Kid goat, Mildred Lakes, near summit block (2)
- Jim, at base of Cruiser summit block, '87 trip...
- Erich, climbing up first part of the summit block
- Erich at flat spot beyond the "Cannon Hole", goat in background
- Erich getting climbing rack ready for 2nd part of summit block
- Jim is ready to go
- Wayne getting ready to go
- Erich leads up the 2nd pitch of the summit block
- Jim climbing up the summit block
- Erich is on route 1
- View looking up Route 1
- View looking at face of Mt. Cruiser summit block
- Jim and Erich are at the belay station
- There were flying ants on Cruiser summit (this day)
- Looking down from summit (Mildred L. side)
- Looking down toward Mildred Lakes (1)
- Looking down toward Mildred Lakes (2)
- Looking down toward Gladys Pass (1)
- Looking down toward Gladys Pass (2)
- View from Cruiser summit (1)
- View from Cruiser summit (2)
- Murdoch Lakes is in the distance
- View along Sawtooth Ridge from summit (1)
- View along Sawtooth Ridge from summit (2)
- Jim descending toward rappel station
- Jim, double rope rappel down summit block (1)
- Jim, double rope rappel down summit block (2)
- Erich, doing a rappel on lower rock bands (1)
- Erich, doing a rappel on lower rock bands (2)
- Jim, doing a rappel on lower rock bands (1)
- Jim, doing a rappel on lower rock bands (2)
- Karen w/ cutthroat trout for dinner, 2000 trip...
- Karen cooking trout for dinner
- During breakfast, a Golden Eagle landed
- Looking down toward Mildred Lakes, photo by Karen (1)
- Looking down toward Mildred Lakes, photo by Karen (2)
- Looking up toward Cruiser summit block (photo by Karen)
- Looking toward Cruiser summit block (photo by Karen)
- Wayne (photo by Karen)
- 3rd trip, start of summit block climb
- Karen in “The Cannon Hole”
- A notch on Mt. Cruiser summit block (photo by Karen)
- Karen “tops out” on Cruiser summit block
- Wayne on summit of Cruiser (photo by Karen)
- pic_Cruiser_fromKC_F (photo by Karen)
- Karen's double rope rappel off summit block
- Wayne's rappel off summit block (photo by Karen)
- Karen (on L); Juli (on R) saw Northern Lights on this trip
- On this trip, Juli wondered who owned this "McD’s mug"
- Mt. Constance ('87)
- L. Constance (1)
- L. Constance (2)
- L. Constance (3)
- Early morning view of “The Brothers”
- Morning photo (1)
- Morning photo (2)
- Looking toward ridge crest near top of 1A gulley
- Looking down 1A gulley, near ridge top
- MtConstanceA302
- Desparation Peak?
- MtConstanceA4
- Another party on the “Finger Traverse”
- Erich on the “Finger Traverse”
- View toward Mt. Constance summit
- View from Mt. Constance summit (1)
- Erich on summit of Mt. Constance
- Wayne on Summit of Mt. Constance
- Looking back toward our route from summit
- Looking down at Glacier on North side of Summit
- View from Mt. Constance summit (2)
- View from Mt. Constance summit (3)
- Climber’s trail is visible in scree
- Looking toward Hood Canal
- Top of Route 1 Gulley
- Constance Pass (Trip 1A)
- Views toward Boulder Ridge
- View from trail to Marmot Pass (1)
- View from trail to Marmot Pass (2)
- The Group: Karen, Juli, Wayne (L to R)
- View from Marmot Pass
- Karen, Juli at Marmot Pass
- Trail near Marmot Pass (1)
- Snowfield on trail near Marmot Pass
- Trail near Marmot Pass (2)
- Trail near Marmot Pass (3)
- Charlia Lakes Way Trail (1)
- Looking down to Charlia Lakes from Pass (1)
- Looking down to Charlia Lakes from Pass (2)
- Looking down to Charlia Lakes from Pass (3)
- HomeL_Ia303
- View from pass above Charlia Lakes (1)
- Walking ridge near pass above Charlia Lakes (1)
- Cloudy Peak seen from ridge near Pass
- View from pass above Charlia Lakes (2)
- Hiking back down the Charlia Lakes Way Trail
- View from Boulder Shelter Camp [sunset]
- Early morning, along Charlia L. Waytrail (1)
- Early morning, along Charlia L. Waytrail (2)
- Early morning, along Charlia L. Waytrail (3)
- Early morning, along Charlia L. Waytrail (4)
- “The Pass”, on Charlia L. Waytrail
- View of Cloudy Peak
- Juli, near summit of Cloudy Peak
- Karen, Juli (L to R) near summit
- Wayne, Juli near summit
- Wayne near summit of Cloudy Peak
- Summit of Cloudy Peak, basalt pillows
- Karen on Summit of Cloudy Peak (1)
- Karen on Summit of Cloudy Peak (2)
- Juli, Karen on summit of Cloudy Pk., basalt pillows
- Juli, Karen (L to R) near summit of Cloudy Peak
- HomeL_Ia902
- Warrier Peak (Fgnd); Mt. Constance (L Peak, Bgnd)
- Zee Spire, Alphabet Ridge
- HomeL_Ia803
- View near summit of Cloudy Peak (1)
- View near summit of Cloudy Peak (2)
- View near summit of Cloudy Peak (3)
- Juli starting descent near summit of Cloudy Peak
- Juli descending snow field, just below summit
- Karen descending snow field on Cloudy Peak
- Picking up camp near Boulder Shelter
- View along trail to Home L. (1)
- View along trail to Home L (2)
- View along trail to Home L, (3)
- View along trail to Home L. (4)
- Constance Pass (Trip 1B)
- View along trail to Home L. (5)
- View of Home L., near our camp site
- Home L. w/ reflection of Warrior Peak (1)
- Home L. w/ reflection of Warrior Peak (2)
- Home L. w/ reflection of Warrior Peak (3)
- Home L. w/ reflection of Warrior Peak (4)
- HomeL_IIIa303
- Inner Constance (1)
- Home L. and Inner Constance
- Inner Constance (2)
- Home L. in the morning
- Sun nearly rising above ridge (1)
- Sun nearly rising above ridge (2)
- Approaching Constance Pass from Home L.
- Karen, Wayne at Constance Pass
- View of “The Brothers”, from Constance Pass
- View from Constance Pass (1)
- View from Constance Pass (2)
- Trail on Del Monte Ridge
- View from Del Monte Ridge (1)
- View from Del Monte Ridge (2)
- A bivey site on Del Monte Ridge
- Del Monte Ridge
- View from Del Monte Ridge (3)
- View from Del Monte Ridge (4)
- Taking a lunch break on Del Monte Ridge
- View from Del Monte Ridge (5)
- View from Del Monte Ridge (6)
- Del Monte Ridge
- Karen, Juli (L to R) on day hike along Del Monte Ridge
- Trail to Constance Pass, Inner Constance
- View, trail hiking back toward Marmot Pass (1)
- View, trail hiking back toward Marmot Pass (2)
- Evening sun on Boulder Ridge (1)
- Evening sun on Boulder Ridge (2)
- View from hike on ridge above Marmot Pass (1)
- View from hike on ridge above Marmot Pass (2)
- View from hike on ridge above Marmot Pass (3)
- View from hike on ridge above Marmot Pass (4)
- Karen, Juli (L to R), ridge hike above Marmot Pass
- Wayne, Karen on ridge hike above Marmot Pass
- Sunset, from near Marmot Pass
- Gladys Divide
- Olympics_S
- Skyline Trail Trip 1A
- Juli at North Fork Quinault Trailhead
- Juli in rain forest along the North Fork Quinault Trail
- Juli at Elip Creek camp site
- Juli at trail junction near Elip Creek
- On bridge along the North Fork Quinault Trail
- Crossing a small stream along the North Fork Trail
- Taking a break along the trail
- Wading across the North Fork
- North Fork Quinault (1)
- North Fork Quinault (2)
- A bridge on the North Fork Quinault Trail
- View of creek from bridge
- Juli hiking up trail toward Low Divide
- A black bear feasting on low-bush huckleberries
- Camp site at Low Divide
- Juli hiking along the Skyline Trail near Low Divide
- We were on the lookout for bears since we saw one last night near here
- A waterfall along the Skyline Trail
- View from the Skyline Trail
- Juli hiking in the trees along the Skyline Trail
- Juli hiking through a meadow along the Skyline trail
- It was nice to break out of the trees...
- ...and for it to "open up"
- View along the Skyline Trail (1)
- View along the Skyline Trail (2)
- Hiking along the Skyline Trail [near Seattle Creek basin]
- We took a break at Seattle Creek
- DSC00958
- DSC00959
- A waterfall along the Skyline Trail
- Mt. Seattle (1)
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- Mt. Seattle (2)
- Pond along the Skyline Trail
- DSC00965
- Lake Beauty (1)
- Lake Beauty (2)
- Lake Beauty & The Valhallas
- Wayne having hot chocolate w/ breakfast
- Juli having breakfast at pass above Lake Beauty
- View of Lake Beauty from Skyline Trail
- Juli backpacking along the Skyline Trail
- "Watch your step Juli"
- Hee Haw Pass (1)
- Hee Haw Pass (2)
- DSC00979
- Juli on Skyline Trail (notice the cairn on the left)
- In some places, you need to watch your step
- DSC00982
- We had to watch for cairns along this section of trail
- A good water source near camp
- Our camp site near Promise Creek Pass
- Our camp site near Promise Creek Pass
- DSC00988
- On the trail again...
- ...View of Mt. Zindorf [on left]
- Skyline Trail, approaching Promise Creek Pass
- View of "The Burn" at Promise Creek Pass (1)
- View of "The Burn" from Promise Creek Pass (2)
- Juli looking at map at Promise Creek Pass (1)
- Juli looking at map at Promise Creek Pass (2)
- Looking into Promise Creek from Pass
- A patch of snow along Skyline Trail (1)
- A patch of snow along Skyline Trail (2)
- Juli hiking through "The Burn" on the Skyline Trail
- In the middle of The Burn" along the Skyline Trail
- In the middle of "The Burn" along the Skyline Trail
- DSC01002
- Juli hiking along the Skyline Trail near Kimta Peak
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- DSC01005
- Getting close to Kimta Peak along the Skyline Trail
- We climbed to the ridge crest near Kimta Peak
- Skyline Trail Trip 1B
- View from ridge crest near Kimta Peak (1)
- View from ridge crest near Kimta Peak (2)
- Juli on ridge crest near Kimta Peak
- Wayne on ridge crest near Kimta Peak
- Kimta Peak
- Juli at Three Prune Camp
- View from Three Prune Camp
- Juli at Elip Creek Trail junction
- Wayne at Elip Creek Trail junction
- A pond along the trail leading to Three Lakes Camp (1)
- A pond along the trail leading to Three Lakes Camp (2)
- DSC01020
- DSC01021
- We saw a small herd of elk along the trail
- Juli getting ready to filter water
- The shelter at Three Lakes Camp is gone, but an old sign is still there
- View at Three Lakes Camp (1)
- Juli simmering huckleberries (1)
- Juli simmering huckleberries (2)
- Huckleberry cobler
- Wayne with huckleberry cobler
- View at Three Lake Camp (2)
- Juli picking huckleberries for breakfast
- Grapenuts & huckleberries
- Elk feeding in meadow
- Elk feeding near Big Creek Trail (1)
- Elk feeding near Big Creek Trail (2)
- DSC01043
- Record Alaska Cedar
- A spider line high above the trail
- It looked like a crab with claws
- Wayne on bridge
- Juli on bridge
- View from bridge
- DSC01050
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- At the trailhead...
- ...there were cold drinks waiting in the truck
- Kimta Peak Trip-'16
- Juli having breakfast at Three Lakes Shelter camp
- Huckleberries for breakfast
- Three Lakes Shelter camp
- Juli at Three Lakes Shelter camp
- Trail junction
- Oval Lake
- View from Three Prune camp
- Three Prune camp
- Skyline Trail (1)
- Juli
- Wayne
- View along Skyline Trail (1)
- View along Skyline Trail (2)
- Skyline Trail (2)
- A bear disappeared before I could take a picture
- A herd of elk (1)
- A herd of elk (2)
- Juli (2)
- View along Skyline Trail near Kimta Peak
- Looking up the Kimta Peak route (1)
- Looking up the Kimta Peak route (2)
- Looking up the Kimta Peak route (3)
- Branden on Kimta summit
- Wayne on Kimta summit (1)
- Wayne on Kimta summit (2)
- USGS marker on Kimta summit (1)
- USGS marker on Kimta summit (2)
- View from Kimta summit (1)
- View from Kimta summit (2)
- View from Kimta summit (3)
- View from Kimta summit (4)
- View from Kimta summit (5)
- View along Skyline Trail near Kimta Peak (1)
- Juli (3)
- View along Skyline Trail near Kimta Peak (2)
- A black bear was feeding on huckleberries
- Three Prune camp (2)
- View from Three Prune camp (2)
- View along trail (1)
- View along trail (2)
- A lake near Oval Lake
- Juli on trail
- Three Lakes shelter area
- Record Alaska Cedar sign
- Record Alaska Cedar
- Damaged bridge along Big Creek Trail
- I sampled some Twisted stalk berries
- Sulphur shelf [aka “Chicken of the Woods”] mushrooms
- Water and moss along the trail
- Skyline Trail Trip 1A
- Olympics_W
- Fishing
- From Boat
- Trolling for Salmon (Saltwater)
- 2 salmon w/in 30 min. of Wayne donning his hat
- Craig caught this Coho trolling w/ a Hotshot lure
- This hat (see "Mt. Olympus '88") was lucky on this day!
- Bruce w/ nice Coho!
- Bruce next to typical boats for rent in Sekiu
- Jim, Bruce (L to R) at fish cleaning station
- Doris caught this 18” salmon, and a 16” one
- Rod, Wayne (L to R) w/ Cohos ready for the BBQ
- Salmon & Steelhead w/ a Driftboat
- Vermont & Doris (W. Wasington R.)
- Doris & Vermont on river in W. Washington
- Wayne trolling on river in W. Washington
- Brian’s Coho in the net
- Brian with 29” Coho
- Andy playing 37” Chinook (spinner hooked)
- Andy with 37” Chinook caught on W. Washington river
- Jill netted this Coho
- Jill, Wayne with 31” Coho
- Jill, Wayne with Hotshot caught Coho (trolling)
- Vermont with driftboat at boat ramp (W. Washington river)
- Wayne, Vermont (L to R) [note outboard motor]
- Vermont with 18” Coho jack
- Drifting down S. W. Washington river (fishing for Steelhead)
- Andy drift fishing on S. W. Washington river
- Wayne drift fishing on S. W. Washington river
- Driftboat near takeout ramp on S. W. Washington river
- Andy drift fishing on W. Washington river (Winter)
- Andy with bead & yarn caught hatchery SH
- Brian on W. Washington river
- Brian along W. Washington river
- Brian with Hotshot caught Winter Steelhead
- Brian releasing Steelhead
- Scott fishing hole on W. Washington river
- Scott netted a hatchery hen steelhead
- Scott with 28” buck steelhead
- Scott rowing on W. Washington river
- A scenic W. Washington river (1)
- A scenic W. Washington river (2)
- A scenic W. Washington river (3)
- A scenic W. Washington river (4)
- Wayne drift fishing on W. Washington river
- Wayne steps out of boat to land a steelhead
- Wayne with (egg caught) 34” hen SH in the net
- Wayne with 34” hen steelhead
- A Western Washington river
- Just before dark, at takeout on W. Washington river
- Scott with steelhead ready for the cooler
- Scott with his first kept steelhead
- Fall color on a W. Washington river
- Trolling for salmon with Fall colors in background
- Jill and Jeff on W. Washington river
- Jeff, Kaylan, Jill (L to R) Trolling for salmon
- Jeff rowing to a spot upstream
- Jill with the catch of the day!
- Jill with the catches of the day
- Jill with her first & second salmon
- Jill getting ready to clean her first salmon
- Trolling for Salmon (Saltwater)
- From the Bank
- Surf & Jetty Fishing
- Beach at Westport
- South Jetty along Grays Harbor
- Typical Jetty fishing location (Bay side)
- Typical Jetty (ocean side)
- Karen and Sierra on N. Jetty along Columbia R.
- Clair & Vermont (L to R) w/ N. Columbia R. jetty seabass (early 1950s)
- Vermont caught this King while fishing for seabass on jetty (summer 1952)
- Wayne surf-fishing at Rialto Beach
- Vermont surf-fishing
- Doris surf-fishing
- Scott surf fishing at Long Beach, WA (1)
- Scott surf fishing at Long Beach, WA (2)
- Scott w/ surf-fishing caught Sea Perch
- Wayne w/ surf-fishing caught Sea Perch
- Sierra w/ her Sea Perch; Wayne w/ Ling Cod
- Wayne w/ N. Jetty Ling Cod [just > min size lim.]
- Wayne w/ N. Jetty caught salmon and sea-bass
- Vermont w/ Jetty caught salmon [note surf rod]
- Doris & Vermont at the Haupt Beach House
- Wayne w/ Jetty caught salmon [note surf rod]
- Wayne w/ Jetty caught salmon
- Salmon on Artificial Lures (Rivers)
- Early October morning on river in W. Washington
- Wayne trying to land a spin fishing hooked Coho
- Wayne w/ Coho using #4 Blue Fox (Orange body)
- Andy w/ a nice Coho caught on a spinner
- Andy w/ 2 Cohos caught spin fishing
- Andy taking Cohos to put on ice
- 25# Chinook caught w/ Cleo lure
- Wayne w/ 30 1/2” Coho, #4 Blue Fox (Chart. body)
- A 31 3/4” fly caught Coho (small W. Washington stream)
- SMn10FF
- Steelhead
- Drift Fishing (Summer SH)
- Vermont on trail along Kalama R. in July
- Wayne on trail along the Kalama R. (note drift rod)
- Vermont w/ bead & yarn caught 8 lb summer steelhead
- Vermont with a nice Steelhead
- Vermont with 36” Steelhead (note drift rod)
- It took 45 min. to land this 36” summer steelhead
- Vermont with 36” summer steelhead
- A fly fisherman hooked a steelhead on an egg immitation
- Mark with fly rod & 12 lb summer steelhead
- Drift Fishing (Winter SH)
- Karen drift fishing on a river in SW Washington (1)
- Karen drift fishing on a river in SW Washington (2)
- Karen playing SH hooked using sand-shrimp
- Karen w/ 26” Native hen Steelhead
- Andy w/ 8# SH hooked using salmon eggs
- Wayne w/ 25” bead & yarn hooked SH
- Wayne w/ bead & yarn hooked Steelhead
- Wayne w/ a Winter Steelhead
- Vermont along a W. Washinton R.
- Wayne w/ SH on in a W. Washington river (1)
- Wayne w/ SH on in a W. Washington river (2)
- 35” bead & yarn caught W. Steelhead
- Andy drift fishing W. Washington R. w/ bead & yarn
- Andy w/ bead & yarn hooked Steelhead
- Andy ready to release a Steelhead
- Scott drift fishing on a W. Washington R.
- Scott w/ corky & yarn caught steelhead (1)
- Scott w/ corky & yarn caught steelhead (2)
- A W. Washington river after a light snow fall
- Fly Fishing (Summer SH)
- Early morning photo taken in W. Washington
- W. Washington river (evening photo)
- W. Washington river (morning photo)
- Morning photo along W. Washington river (1)
- Morning photo along W. Washington river (2)
- Elk along W. Washington river
- W. Washington river (1)
- Brian fishing a W. Washington river in the morning
- Brian fishing a W. Washington river
- W. Washington river (2)
- W. Washington river (3)
- W. Washington river (4)
- W. Washington river (5)
- Wayne with a 20 1/2 in. Trout on, river in W. Washington
- A 17 1/2” sea-run cutthroat
- Spider web along W. Washington river
- W. Washington river after an October rain
- A 26” hatchery steelhead that was a late arrival (4-23-00)
- A 23 in. W. Washington river Summer SH (Oct. 9, 03)
- A 25 1/2" W. Washington river Summer SH (Oct. 9, 03)
- A 17 in. Mountain Whitefish, W. Washington river
- Steelhead fishing Camp site, W. Washington river
- Fallen trees can be a problem to get around
- W. Washington river (6)
- W. Washington river (7)
- Fall colors along W. Washington river (1)
- Fall colors along W. Washington river (2)
- Fall colors along W. Washington river (3)
- Fall colors along W. Washington river (4)
- W. Washington river (8)
- Pools have a blue tint-- this W. Washington river is glacial
- I spotted a cow bedded down, RHS of W. Washington river
- Bull elk wades river to cool off and get a drink
- Bull elk heads back to bedded down herd
- The lead cow detected my presence
- Bull elk & cow looking my way
- Bull elk looking my way
- The elk left, and there was a cloud of dust!
- Shortly after seeing the elk, I lost an 8lb SH here
- This Steelhead hole was destroyed by high water
- A bugling Bull elk crosses W. Washington river
- Large herd of elk in W. Washington river
- A black bear goes for a swim on a hot day
- A 16 1/2" summer steelhead [aka "half pounder"]
- A 23 in. native W. Washington summer SH
- 30” hatchery summer steelhead, W. Washington river
- Fly Fishing (Winter SH)
- Winter-time sunrise on W. Washington river
- A SW Washington river
- On Dec. 18, 2005 I fly fished for 3.5 hrs ...
- ... conditions were cold & icy...
- ...I didn’t hook any fish on this outing...
- ...river conditions were difficult for fly fishing...
- ... on this cold day.
- Nevertheless, it was an interesting outing...
- ... and several pictures were taken.
- A nice Winter day
- A river in SW Washington
- 30” Native Winter SH, on a SW Washington river
- 31 3/4” Native Winter SH hen, on a SW Washington river
- W. Washington river (1)
- W. Washington R. during high water
- 30” W. Washington river Native Winter SH
- W. Washington river, early Winter morning
- W. Washington river (2)
- 28” W. Washington river Native Winter SH
- Drift Boat on W. Washington river (1)
- Drift Boat on W. Washington river (2)
- 25” W. Washington river Native Winter SH
- W. Washington river w/ medium amount of “color”
- W. Washington river (3)
- W. Washington river (4)
- W. Washington river (5)
- W. Washington river w/ a lot of “color” in it after rain
- I caught a SH on this day w/ these conditions.
- W. Washington river (6)
- W. Washington river (7)
- W. Washington river (8)
- Gravel bar on W. Washington river (1)
- Gravel bar on W. Washington river (2)
- Gravel bar on W. Washington river (3)
- Gravel bar on W. Washington river (4)
- High water, W. Washington river
- W. Washington river (9)
- W. Washington river (10)
- 29” W. Washington river Native Hen Winter SH
- 30” W. Washington river Native Winter SH
- 38” Native Buck Winter SH, W. Washington river
- 16 3/4” Searun Cutthroat, small W. Washington stream
- 17 3/4” Searun Cutthroat, small W. Washington stream
- Drift Fishing (Summer SH)
- High Mountain Lake Trip-'94
- Surf & Jetty Fishing
- From Boat
- Mt. St. Helens
- Movies or Podcasts
- Movies
- PJ_Fish_DVD1_Chap1 - Medium
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- PJ FlyFish Chap1 - Medium
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- PJ FlyFish DVD7 Chap1 - Medium
- PJ FlyFish DVD7 Chap2 - Medium
- PJ FlyFish DVD7 Chap3 - Medium
- RogueRiverTrip - Medium
- PJ_Millsaps_vs_Prin_1974 (540p)
- Movies
- Recipes
- Family recipes
- Grandma Clara’s Bread recipe
- Clara (Wayne’s Grandmother)
- Milk mixture
- Yeast mixture
- Bowl w/ flour, milk mixture, and yeast mixture
- Large bowl that is greased with shortening
- Place each portion of dough in standard size bread pans (and flatten)
- Let bread dough raise a sufficient amount of time
- When bread is brown, remove from oven and place on bread board
- A loaf of bread on bread board w/ bread knife
- 2 slices of bread cut on bread board
- This bread recipe makes wonderful toast
- End view of cut loaf of bread
- A slice of buttered toast
- Aunt Janice’s Mincemeat recipe
- Janice
- Canning equipment plus Grandma Clara’s cooking container
- Doris preparing the mincemeat using grandma Clara’s container
- Wayne grating the lemons (notice pie cherries and elk roast)
- Just added the sugar to the mincemeat
- Simmering the mincemeat
- Wayne stirring the simmering mincemeat
- About to begin the canning process (1)
- About to begin the canning process (2)
- Doris and Wayne canning the mincemeat
- Doris and Wayne with 7 quarts of canned mincemeat
- 7 quarts of mincemeat (notice the Porkert meat grinder)
- Grandma Clara’s Bread recipe
- States (US)
- Washington
- Mt. Rainier (Fuhrer Finger, '82)
- Getting ready at Paradise parking lot (1)
- Getting ready at Paradise parking lot (2)
- MtRainierE
- MtRainierB-3
- MtRainierB-1
- MtRainierB-2
- The Fuhrer Finger route is in center of photo
- Taking a break (1)
- Taking a break (2)
- MtRainierC-1
- The Fuhrer Finger route is clearly visible
- MtRainierC-3
- Preparing the Camp site (1)
- Preparing the Camp site (2)
- Camp site w/ tents & bivy bag
- MtRainierG-2
- Liberty Cap on Mt. Rainier
- Climbers on true summit of Mt. Rainier
- Row1:Ed,Carl;Row2:Jerry,Frank,Wayne,Roger(L2R)
- MtRainierJ-2
- picMtRainierA
- View from summit of Mt. Rainier
- MtRainierK-2
- Mt. Rainier crater rim (1)
- Mt. Rainier crater rim (2)
- Crevasse on Mt. Rainier
- Taking a break during the descent
- An Ice Climbing Seminar Field Trip - '84
- Mt. Dickerman (March, 1984)
- Mt. Baker (Easton Gl.) - '84
- Erich at the camp site
- View of Mt. Baker from the trail
- Sunset
- Morning
- Erich, Gayle and Bill (L to R)
- Mt. Baker
- The 6,200’ camp site
- The Demming Glacier
- Getting ready to continue up toward the summit
- The camp site
- MtBakerD-2
- Roped up and heading up the Easton Glacier
- MtBakerE-1
- MtBakerE-2
- Gayle at saddle below the “Roman Wall”
- Heading back down (1)
- We didn’t take pictures near the top due to clouds
- Heading back down (2)
- Ptarmigan Traverse (1984)
- Trailhead: Marshall (L); Jim sitting on tailgate
- Wayne, Gary, Al (L to R) at Cascade Pass
- PtarmiganTrvA01
- PtarmiganTrvA
- 1st glacier we crossed was the Cache glacier
- PtmrgnTrvD01
- PtmrgnTrvD02
- PtmrgnTrvE
- deer at Kool-aide Lake (1)
- deer at Kool-aide Lake (2)
- 2 buck deer in velvet at Koolaide L. campsite
- 2 buck deer (1)
- 2 buck deer (2)
- buck deer in velvet (1)
- 2 buck deer (3)
- buck deer in velvet (2)
- buck deer in velvet (3)
- View from camp 1 at Kool-aide Lake
- PtmrgnTrvI01
- PtmrgnTrvI02
- 2nd was the Middle Cascade Glacier
- Wayne’s Journal: “We reached the col at 4 pm”
- Camp 2 (between Mid. Cascade glacier and Yang Yang)
- View from 2nd camp site
- Wayne’s journal: “A goat came into camp 2 tonight”
- Al, Gary on snow field before Yang Yang Lakes
- Yang Yang Lakes (1)
- Yang Yang Lakes (2)
- Looking back toward Yang Yang Lakes
- Wayne’s Journal: “We reached camp at 3 pm”
- camp 3 (between Yang Yang L. and Le Conte Mtn.)
- PtmrgnTrvM01
- PtmrgnTrvM02
- PtmrgnTrvN
- PtmrgnTrvN01
- Al with rope
- Roped up on Le Conte? or S. Cascade glacier
- Crevasse on Le Conte? Or S. Cascade? glacier
- Gary, Al (L to R) taking a rest break
- PtarmiganTrvC02
- Approaching Lizard Pass?
- White Rock Lakes (1)
- View from camp 4 at White Rock Lakes (1)
- View from camp 4 at White Rock Lakes (2)
- View from camp 4 at White Rock Lakes (3)
- 2 person Early Winters tent, White Rock L. site
- View from camp 4 at White Rock Lakes (4)
- View from camp 4 at White Rock Lakes (5)
- White Rock Lakes (2)
- PtmrgnTrvR02
- Next we crossed the Dana glacier to get to Spire Pt.
- PtmrgnTrvS01
- Rock formation near Spire Point
- A spire on flank of Spire Point
- Dome Peak (1)
- Camp site below Spire Point summit block
- Spire Point summit block viewed from camp
- A rock just missed Wayne below 1st belay station
- Al, Gary at 2nd belay station
- PtmrgnTrvV01
- On airy summit, looking down
- PtmrgnTrvV03
- Al at an anchor station
- Al rappelling down Spire Point summit block
- Looking back toward Spire Pt., but heading to Cub L.
- Dome Peak (2)
- Dome Peak (3)
- PtmrgnTrvU01
- On snow field that goes to Cub Lake
- Al, Gary (L to R)
- After almost getting hit by bowling ball size rock...
- ...Wayne is glad to be hiking out near end of trip
- Al, Gary on snowfield that goes to Cub Lake
- PtmrgnTrvZ02
- PtmrgnTrvAA01
- Big Four (Dry Creek Route, 9 Jun 85)
- Glacier Peak (July '85, Frostbite Ridge)
- GlacierPkC
- GlacierPkC01
- GlacierPkD
- Glacier Peak (1)
- GlacierPkD01
- GlacierPkE
- picGlacierPkA
- The “Rabbit Ears”, on Frostbite Ridge
- The icy slope leading to the summit
- Wayne on summit
- Jim on summit
- Al on summit
- GlacierPkF01
- After “the slip”, waited for Al to put his crampon on
- The icy slope that Al slipped on
- Going back, the way we came up
- Mt. Adams (South Spur route) - Dec. '85
- The snow covered logging road and glimpse of Mt. Adams
- Al, Dudley (L to R) taking a break [notice the sled]
- A view of Mt. Adams from the South side
- Dudley working w/ his sleeping bag at the 2nd camp site
- Al "taking it easy" at 2nd camp site
- South spur route on Mt. Adams (right side of rock in center)
- View of summit of Mt. Adams from false summit (el. 11,700')
- Wayne on false summit of Mt. Adams, el. 11,700' (self photo)
- Looking toward Mt. Hood from false summit of Mt. Adams
- Al "taking it easy" on S. Spur route, el. ~10,700'
- Dudley pointing at Al's fancy [down?] footwear at 2nd camp site
- We got this tent from Gayle [see '84 Mt. Baker trip]
- We were pleased with the Jan Sport tent!
- Dudley, Al (L to R), at 2nd camp site
- Looking toward Mt. Hood
- Al
- Wayne
- Al's turn to pull the sled
- Preparing for Mt. McKinley Part 1
- Mildred Lakes Trail (25 Sep. '85)
- Wagon Wheel L. Trail, (29 Sep. '85), Mt. Cruiser in distance
- Wagon Wheel L. Trail, 29 Sep. '85, Mt. Skokomish (Center)
- Beyond Wagon Wheel L. Trail, 29 Sep. '85 (1)
- Beyond Wagon Wheel L. Trail, 29 Sep.'85 (2)
- Wagon Wheel L. Trail, 29 Sep. '85, view of Copper Mtn.
- Summit of an "unnamed Pk.", Wagon Wheel L. Trail, 29 Sep. '85
- Wagon Wheel L. Trail, 29 Sep. '85 (4)
- Wagon Wheel L. Trail, 29 Sep. '85 (5)
- Jim at Mt. Si viewpoint, 10 Nov. '85
- Wayne having a snowball, Mt. Si viewpoint, 10 Nov. '85
- Mt. Si viewpoint, 10 Nov. '85
- Mt. Rose Trail, 9 Feb. '86 (1)
- Mt. Rose Trail, 9 Feb. '86 (2)
- Erich on Mt. Rose Trail, 9 Feb. '86
- Wayne on Mt. Rose Trail, 9 Feb '86 (1)
- Wayne on Mt. Rose Trail, 9 Feb. '86 (2)
- Dudley, Snow Cave practice, Commonwealth Basin, 15 Feb. '86
- Wayne in Snow Cave, Commonwealth Basin, 15 Feb. '86
- It took 2 hours to build snow cave for 2 people to sleep in
- View from inside the Snow Cave built w/ 1 small shovel
- Dudley in Snow Cave, Commonwealth Basin, 15 Feb. '86
- Tim at Camp Muir, 16 Mar. '86 (1)
- Tim at Camp Muir, 16 Mar. '86 (2)
- Wayne at Camp Muir, 16 Mar. '86
- View from unnamed pk., Wagon Wheel L. trail, 30 Mar. '86
- Looking at Copper Mt., Wagon Wheel L. trail, 30 Mar. '86
- Erich on unnamed pk., Wagon Wheel L. trail, 30 Mar. '86
- Wayne on unnamed pk, Wagon Wheel L. trail, 30 Mar. '86
- Dudley, Jerry (L to R), Timberline Parking lot, 3 May '86
- Dudley, Jerry (L to R), ~9,000' camp on Mt. Hood, 3 & 4 May '86
- Jerry at ~9,000' camp on Mt. Hood, 3 & 4 May '86
- The Jan Sport tents worked great on Mt. Hood, 3 & 4 May '86
- Paris expedition sled modified w/ tie downs
- DSC00526
- DSC00527
- DSC00528
- DSC00529
- Preparing for Mt. McKinley Part 2
- Bonanza Peak (Mary Green Glacier route) - July '87
- Lady of the Lake arriving at Field's Point (1)
- The Lady of the Lake arrives at Field's Point (2)
- On board the Lady of the Lake (1)
- On board The Lady of the Lake (2)
- A bus arrives at Holden
- Unloaded gear at Holden
- Holden
- Erich roped up on the glacier
- Bonanza Peak
- BonanzaPk_Ac-3
- View from near the top of Bonanza Peak
- BonanzaPk_Ae-3
- BonanzaPk_Af
- BonanzaPk_Af-1
- Wayne just below summit of Bonanza Peak (Photo by John)
- Al, Erich, John, Pat (left to right) on Bananza Peak summit
- Wayne on summit of Bananza Peak
- Looking back up the route, during the descent(1)
- Looking down the route during the descent (1)
- Looking back up the route during the descent (2)
- BonanzaPk_Af-3
- Looking back up the route during the descent (3)
- BonanzaPk_Ag-1
- BonanzaPk_Ag-2
- BonanzaPk_Ag-3
- BonanzaPk_Ah
- Looking down the route (notice rappel rope)
- Erich using the rope during the descent (1)
- Erich using the rope during the descent (2)
- John descending the glacier
- Looking back toward Erich on the glacier
- BonanzaPk_Aj-2
- BonanzaPk_Aj-3
- Al, Pat, John back at camp
- Erich, Wayne (L to R) camping in the rain (Photo by John)
- Wayne, John (L to R) camping in the rain (Photo by Erich)
- BonanzaPk_Ac
- BonanzaPk_Ab-3
- BonanzaPk_Ak
- Mt. Thompson (West Ridge) - August '87
- MtThompson_Aa
- MtThompson_Aa-1
- Mt Thompson (W. Ridge is on the left side)
- Erich lead up the first pitch
- Erich lead up this section and traversed left
- MtThompson_Ab-1
- Erich (notice the gear)
- Wayne at a belay station (notice the shoes)
- Wayne lead up this section below the summit
- Erich on the summit of Mt. Thompson (1)
- Erich on the summit of Mt. Thompson (2)
- Wayne on the summit of Mt. Thompson (notice the shirt)
- View from the summit of Mt. Thompson (1)
- View from the summit of Mt. Thompson (2)
- View from the summit of Mt. Thompson (3)
- View from the summit of Mt. Thompson (4)
- MtThompson_Ae-2
- MtThompson_Ae-3
- MtThompson_Af
- MtThompson_Af-1
- MtThompson_Af-2
- The scree was bad along this section
- We descended the E. Ridge (right side)
- Toppling Tower and Edds Lake
- Mt. Baker (North Ridge) Trip 1 - '87
- The Mt Bakery
- Mt Baker from the North - 1976 photo (Fall season)
- Rob, Erich, John (L to R) at camp
- Mt_Baker_North_A-3
- Mt_Baker_North_B
- John
- Mt_Baker_North_B-2
- Mt Baker's North Ridge is on left skyline
- Rob, Erich (L to R) on steep short-cut section
- John on short-cut section
- Rob taking a break at the top of the short-cut section
- Mt_Baker_North_F-1
- The ice cliff on Mt. Baker's North Ridge
- Mt. Baker (North Ridge) Trip 2 - '88
- Mt_Baker_North_L
- The North Ridge is on left skyline
- View from camp site (1)
- View from camp site (2)
- Rob, Erich (L to R) at camp (1)
- View from camp site (3)
- We crossed the glacier high to avoid some crevasses
- View from camp site (4)
- View from camp site (5)
- Rob, Erich (L to R) at camp (2)
- View looking down on 1st pitch on ice cliff (1)
- View looking up on 1st pitch of ice cliff (1)
- View looking down on 1st pitch of ice cliff (2)
- View along 1st pitch of ice cliff
- View looking up 1st pitch of ice cliff (2)
- View looking down from belay point at top of 2nd pitch
- Rob using 2 tools to climb 2nd pitch
- Rob, Wayne (L to R) on true summit
- View from summit of Mt. Baker
- picMt_Baker_NR_88_n12
- picMt_Baker_NR_88_n13
- picMt_Baker_NR_88_n14
- picMt_Baker_NR_88_n15
- Erich, Rob (L to R) on Mt. Baker
- Mt. Bakery Washington T-shirt
- 67 cm ice axe for glacier travel (REI Sumner)
- Koflach Ultra Extreme inner boots & box label
- Koflach Extreme plastic boots (w/out inner boot)
- Koflach boots w/ inner boots inserted
- Koflach Ultra Extrem box label
- Crampons (SMC, 12-point hinged adjustable)
- Snow picket (MSR Coyote, 24 inch)
- Two 50 cm ice tools (Chouinard axe & hammer)
- Ice screws (Chouinard, 5 1/4", 6 3/4", 8 3/4")
- Wonderland Trail Trip 1A
- Juli on bridge, day one of trip
- DSC00266
- Wayne on bridge
- On a hot afternoon, Juli took advantage of a cool breeze
- DSC00269
- Paradise River camp site
- Carter Falls, day 2 of trip
- Juli, coffee & breakfast at Longmire
- Wayne, diet Pepsi & breakfast at Longmire
- Devil's Dream camp site
- Approaching Indian Henry's Hunting Grounds, day 3 of trip
- DSC00282
- Juli on trail, Indian Henry's Hunting Ground
- The Ranger Patrol Cabin, Indian Henry's Hunting Grounds (1)
- The Ranger Patrol Cabin, Indian Henry's Hunting Grounds (2)
- A tarn, Mt. Rainier, Ranger's Patrol cabin
- DSC00287
- Juli crossing a creek
- DSC00289
- Juli about to cross Tahoma Creek suspension bridge
- Juli crossing Tahoma Creek suspension bridge
- Tahoma Creek suspension bridge
- Emerald Ridge (1)
- Emerald Ridge (2)
- Emerald Ridge (3)
- Juli on Emerald Ridge
- Wayne on S. Puyallup R. bridge
- Juli on S. Puyallup R. bridge
- DSC00299
- St. Andrews Lake (1)
- St. Andrews Lake (2)
- St. Andrews Lake (3)
- DSC00303
- Juli, trail and avalanche lilies
- Aurora Lake
- We left Aurora L. at 7:30 p.m....
- ...we wanted to keep schedule, but we got caught on the trail...
- ...in dark; so we had to use flash lights to reach our camp...
- ...we reached the N. Puyallup R. Group Camp (at 9:30 pm)...
- ...we used a bear cord to hang food from this rock wall...
- DSC00312
- Juli stretching before putting pack on, day 4 of trip
- Yesterday was our longest day of the trip
- DSC00315
- Juli on the N. Puyallup R. bridge
- DSC00317
- Juli picking low bush huckleberries
- The Ranger Patrol Cabin at Golden Lakes
- One of Golden Lakes
- At 7:45 pm we heard boulders rolling down the Mowich R.
- Mowich R. camp site
- Juli taking a break at Mowich Lake, day 5 of trip
- View from near Ipsut Pass
- DSC00325
- DSC00326
- The Carbon R. (1)
- The Carbon R. (2)
- Our camp along the Carbon R., morning of day 6
- The Carbon Glacier (1)
- The Carbon Glacier (2)
- The Carbon Glacier (3)
- DSC00333
- DSC00334
- DSC00335
- DSC00336
- Mystic Lake (1)
- Mystic Lake (2)
- Mystic Lake (3)
- Mystic Lake camp site
- Getting close to Winthrop Glacier, morning of day 7
- DSC00342
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- Winthrop Glacier (1)
- DSC00345
- DSC00346
- Juli on trail, a few miles before reaching Sunrise
- Wonderland Trail Trip 1B
- The snack bar at Sunrise
- A bacon cheese burger, chips & drink from the snack bar
- Sunrise camp site, morning of day 8
- We had nice treat of canned peaches & chips...
- ...waiting in a car at White River camp ground
- And then we pushed on to Summerland
- Juli along trail at Summerland
- Summerland (1)
- Summerland (2)
- Summerland (3)
- Summerland (4)
- Early the next morning, we saw climber head lamps...
- ...they were on the Disappointment Cleaver Route of Mt. Rainier
- Summerland camp site
- Summerland, morning of day 9
- Lush wild flowers (1)
- Lush wild flowers (2)
- Lush wild flowers (3)
- DSC00365
- DSC00366
- Juli hking toward Pan Handle Gap
- DSC00368
- DSC00369
- A small lake with ice on it
- We saw quite a few patches of moss like this
- Little Tahoma (1)
- Little Tahoma (2)
- Juli at Pan Handle Gap
- View from Pan Handle Gap
- Juli, Wayne at Pan Handle Gap
- DSC00378
- DSC00379
- Juli previously gave Dean some water [he was out]
- Juli on snow field
- Cowlitz Chimney
- Some patches of snow along the Wonderland Trail
- Another patch of snow to cross
- Juli on trail 2 miles before Indian Bar camp
- Juli soaking in the view along the Wonderland Trail
- DSC00387
- DSC00388
- DSC00389
- The limb, lower middle, is pointing at Indian Bar
- DSC00391
- Juli starting the descent to Indian Bar camp
- DSC00393
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- DSC00395
- Juli hiking toward Indian Bar
- DSC00397
- The Wonderland Trail with lush flowers
- Is that a red flower [right of center]? Oops, it moved...it is Juli
- Indian Bar (1)
- Yellow balls of wild flowers
- Juli enjoying a treat of smoked oyster & cracker
- A view from the "camp throne"
- Juli at Indian Bar camp site
- Wayne at Indian Bar camp site
- Indian Bar (2)
- Indian Bar (3)
- Indian Bar (4)
- The group camp at Indian Bar
- Looking back toward Indian Bar
- DSC00413
- Cowlitz Chimneys with wild flowers in foreground (1)
- Cowlitz Chimneys with wild flowers in foreground (2)
- Lush wildflowers (4)
- A Kentucky family with small children hiking the Wonderland
- Mt. Rainier and Little Tahoma
- DSC00419
- DSC00420
- Cowlitz Chimneys with wild flowers in foreground (3)
- Juli in meadow with lush wild flowers
- Mt. Rainier, Wonderland Trail, and lush wild flowers
- Juli at end of trip
- Wayne at end of trip
- Hunting (big game) [Part 1]
- Vermont hunting on a ridge in W. Washington (November 1979)
- Wayne hunting on a ridge in W. Washington (November 1979)
- In the early days there were open spaces on the ridges (1)
- In the early days there were open spaces on the ridges (2)
- Mt. Rainier is visible in the distance (1)
- Mt. Rainier in the distance (2)
- Fog frequently blocked our view on some ridges we hunted
- Over time, the trees got taller
- Vermont and I once saw a small owl on a branch along this road
- Chris hunting on logging road in 1979
- Wayne hunting on logging road in 1979
- A Bushnell Scopechief IV 4X riflescope
- We hunted different areas over the years
- thumb_Hunting_II_e-1_1024
- thumb_Hunting_II_e-2_1024
- Wayne taking a coffee break
- Vermont taking a break
- I was walking down this cat road when I saw something...
- …moving slowly on the road; it went under some salal...
- It was a porcupine!
- It turned its back and dared me to touch it.
- Vermont started hunting in this area in the 1950s...
- ...It is considered a landmark of sorts...
- ...And it never fails to bring back good memories to me.
- In November, 2006 Wayne shot a 5X5 bull elk from this spot...
- Wayne took Vermont to "the spot" the following hunting season...
- ...And he sat at "the spot" Wayne shot from...
- ...Wayne hunting at “the spot” Fall 2007 (photo by Vermont)
- A 3 Point Buck looking for a doe during elk season
- Autumn colors in Western Washington
- A harvest of wild Chanterelle mushrooms
- Chanterelle mushrooms
- Chanterelle mushrooms on a cutting board
- Wayne deer hunting in E. Washington (1976, w/ packboard)
- Geoff deer hunting in E. Washington (1976, w/ pack)
- Geoff deer hunting in E. Washington (1976, camp)
- Geoff deer hunting in E. Washington (1976)
- An overnight deer hunting trip in E. Washington (1976)
- Sunset on an overnight deer hunting trip to E. Washington (1976)
- Hunting (big game) [Part 2]
- Vermont and 5 point bull elk (1)
- Wayne and 5 point bull elk
- Vermont and 5 point bull elk (2)
- One should always take a compass when hunting
- Vermont found this Finnish hunting knife at a gift shop
- Packboard with unpadded straps
- Packboard with rope and hooks [for attachment]
- A crosscut saw
- A 1980s REI headlamp
- A package of 4 big game bags
- Hunting (big game) [Part 3]
- Hunting (big game) [Part 4]
- McClellan’s Butte - Easter Sunday 1990
- The ridge just below the summit of McClellan’s Butte
- Nik on summit of McClellan’s Butte (1)
- Nik on summit of McClellan’s Butte (2)
- Wayne on summit of McClellan’s Butte (1)
- Wayne on summit of McClellan’s Butte (2)
- View from summit of McClellan’s Butte (1)
- View from summit of McClellan’s Butte (2)
- Nik found a nice spot overlooking I-90 Highway
- Nik enjoying the sun, and deep in thought
- Reference 1 article in Seattle PI (4-6-1990)
- Reference 1 photo of Nancy J.
- Per his records, Wayne twice climbed a peak on Easter Sunday
- Three Letters to the Editor-May 1990
- Colchuck Peak (East Route) Trip - '90
- Dan D. taking a break at Colchuck Lake (Colchuck Peak in background)
- Our route was via Left glacier, then up Colchuck Peak (on Right)
- The toe of Colchuck glacier
- Looking up toward Dragontail (from glacier)
- Looking toward Dragontail (from Colchuck Col)
- Looking toward Colchuck (from Col)
- View from summit of Colchuck Peak (1)
- View from summit of Colchuck Peak (2)
- View from summit of Colchuck Peak (3)
- Dan & Erich (L to R) on summit of Colchuck Peak
- Wayne on summit of Colchuck Peak
- Dan, Erich (L to R) descending the Colchuck glacier (it was very icy)
- Reference 1 Book front cover
- Reference 1 Book back cover
- Sunrise Mine Trail Trip - 1993
- Wayne, Juli (L to R) on Sunrise Mine Trail (June 26, 1993)
- Morning Star Peak seen from trail (1982 Trip)
- Sperry Peak seen from trail (1982 Trip)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1982_4
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1982_5
- Vickie (1982 Trip)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1982_11
- Camp site, Sperry Peak (1982 Trip)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1982_15: Big Four
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1982_16: Vesper
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1982_17: Big Four
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1982_18: Big Four
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1982_19: View of Vesper from Sperry Peak
- View from Sperry Peak summit (1982 Trip)
- Vickie on summit of Sperry Peak (1982 Trip)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1982_25: Vickie descending after summiting Sperry Peak
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1982_26
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1985_41
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1985_45
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1985_46
- Mike (1985 Trip)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1985_48: Lake below Vesper
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1985_49: Lake below Vesper
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1985_50
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1985_33: Vesper
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1985_34: The right skyline is our attempted South Ridge route (see Note 3)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1985_35
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1985_36: View from South Ridge route (see note 3)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1985_37: View from South Ridge route (see note 3)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1985_38: View from South Ridge route (see note 3)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1985_39: View from South Ridge route (see note 3)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1988_52: View from NE route (see note 4)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1988_53: View from NE route (see note 4)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1988_54: View from NE route (see note 4)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1988_56: View of NE route during retreat (see note 4)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1988_57: View of NE route taken during retreat (see note 4)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1988_58: View along retreat route (see note 4)
- Erich during the retreat of 1988 Sperry Peak NE Ridge Trip (see note 4)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1988_60: See note 4
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1988_61: NE Ridge is right skyline (see note 4)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1988_62: NE Ridge is right skyline (see note 4)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1988_63: NE Ridge is right skyline (see note 4)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1988_64: NE Ridge is right skyline (see note 4)
- Sperry_Peak_Trip_1988_67: NE Ridge is center of photo (see note 4)
- Mt. Adams (North Ridge Route) Trip - '94
- Mt_Adams_North_Ridge_Route_Trip_1994_1
- Scott at ~6800’ camp site
- View of North Ridge route (just below left skyline) from camp site
- View of Mt Adams Lava Ridge Route (Left skyline) (1)
- View of Mt Adams Lava Ridge Route (Left skyline) (2)
- View of Mt Adams Lava Ridge Route (Left skyline) (3)
- View of Mt Adams Lava Ridge Route (Left skyline) (4)
- Mt_Adams_Trip_1994_11
- Mt_Adams_Trip_1994_12
- Scott on North Ridge route
- Wayne on North Ridge route
- Scott ascending steep snowfield
- Summit of Mt. Adams
- Scott on summit of Mt. Adams
- Mt. Rainier (Disappointment Cleaver Route) Trip - '94
- Mt_Rainier_1994_1: The route had some fresh snow on it
- Mt_Rainier_1994_2
- Mt_Rainier_1994_3
- Mt_Rainier_1994_4
- Mt_Rainier_1994_5
- Mt_Rainier_1994_6
- Mt_Rainier_1994_7
- Neal on crater rim
- Andy on Crater Rim
- Andy, Wayne (L to R) on Crater Rim
- Mt_Rainier_1994_11
- Mt_Rainier_1994_12
- Mt_Rainier_1994_13
- Mt_Rainier_1994_14
- Mt_Rainier_1994_15
- Mt_Rainier_1994_16: Disappointment Cleaver surrounded by glacier/snow below Left side of mountain
- Mt. Rainier (Fuhrer Finger, '82)
- Alaska
- AlCan Hwy Trip 1C
- ...See BC-AlCan Hwy (Part 1) for rest of trip
- Wayne’s first trip to the great state of Alaska
- AlaskaA01
- Bull moose along highway
- AlaskaA03
- AlaskaB
- The Jeep was muddy at the end of the trip.
- AlaskaB02
- End of the Alaska Canada Highway
- AlaskaC01
- Geoff next to Mt. McKinley Nat. Park sign
- Wayne next to Mt. McKinley Nat. Park sign
- AlaskaD
- Moose in Denali National Park (1)
- Moose in Denali National Park (2)
- From the tour bus, we watched a grizzly bear...
- ...trying to catch ground squirels; the bear was...
- ...oblivious to the yellow bus we were in.
- AlaskaF02
- AlaskaG
- AlaskaG01
- AlaskaH
- Because of clouds, we only got a glimpse...
- ...of Mt. McKinley on this trip.
- AlaskaI01
- AlaskaI02
- AlaskaJ
- AlaskaJ01
- AlaskaJ02
- AlaskaK
- The bus turned around at Wonder Lake
- I took this photo of a bull caribou through the...
- ...bus window. Hence, there is a reflection in...
- ...the lower part of the photo.
- AlaskaN01
- AlaskaO01
- AlaskaO02
- Geoff hiking in Denali National Park
- Geoff watching some dall sheep from a distance
- After spotting some dall sheep on the same ridge...
- ...we were on, we decided to see if we could...
- ...get a closer look.
- We did, in deed.
- Dall sheep (1)
- Dall sheep (2)
- Dall sheep (3)
- Dall sheep (4)
- Dall sheep (5)
- Dall sheep (6)
- Dall sheep (7)
- Dall sheep (8)
- Dall sheep (9)
- Dall sheep (10)
- Dall sheep (11)
- Dall sheep (12)
- Dall sheep (13)
- Dall sheep (14)
- Dall sheep (15)
- Dall sheep (16)
- Dall sheep (17)
- Dall sheep (18)
- Dall sheep (19)
- Dall sheep (20)
- Dall sheep (21)
- Dall sheep (22)
- Dall sheep (23)
- Dall sheep (24)
- Dall sheep (25)
- Dall sheep (26)
- Dall sheep (27)
- Dall sheep (28)
- Dall sheep (29)
- Dall sheep (30)
- Dall sheep (31)
- Dall sheep (32)
- Dall sheep (33)
- Kayaking at Glacier Bay Trip 1A
- The dock & tour boat near lodge at “Gustavus”
- 2 kayaks on top of “The Glacier Seal”
- View of a glacier from “the Glacier Seal”
- The “Glacier Seal”, after we were dropped off
- GlacierBayB01
- We went for a hike after we set up our 1st camp
- We got rained on at our 1st camp (1)
- Our camp, w/ “duck rock” in foreground
- It looks like a duck, but does it walk like one?
- Jim viewing the scenery next to “the orange tarp”
- GlacierBayD02
- Kayakers at Glacier Bay (1)
- Kayakers at Glacier Bay (2)
- Kayakers at Glacier Bay (3)
- Kayakers at Glacier Bay (4)
- Kayakers next to Gl. Bay ice (Tim, Bruce L to R)
- Interesting ice formation at Glacier Bay
- Tim, Bruce (L to R) and their beached kayak
- Tim tending to his kayak
- kayaks at beach along Glacier Bay
- GlacierBayG03
- GlacierBayH01
- Chunks of ice in Glacier Bay
- Toe of Glacier at Glacier Bay (1)
- Toe of Glacier at Glacier Bay (2)
- Toe of Glacier at Glacier Bay (3)
- Toe of Glacier at Glacier Bay (4)
- Toe of glacier at Glacier Bay (5)
- Toe of glacier at Glacier Bay (6)
- Toe of glacier at Glacier Bay (7)
- Toe of glacier at Glacier Bay (8)
- “Calving of ice” at toe of a glacier at Glacier Bay
- Ice formtions near toe of glacier at Glacier Bay (1)
- Ice formations near toe of glacier at Glacier Bay (2)
- Interesting ice formation at Glacier Bay
- Toe of glacier at Glacier Bay (9)
- Glacier & ice formation
- Ice formation at Glacier Bay (1)
- Ice formation at Glacier Bay (2)
- Ice formation at Glacier Bay (3)
- Ice formation at Glacier Bay (4)
- Ice formation at Glacier Bay (5)
- Ice formation at Glacier Bay (6)
- Ice formation at Glacier Bay (7)
- Ice formation at Glacier Bay (8)
- Ice formation at Glacier Bay (9)
- Close up view of blue ice
- Ice formation at Glacier Bay (10)
- Tim w/ camera next to some blue ice
- Bruce w/ camera & tri-pod
- Tim standing on a chunk of blue ice
- Jim sent this photo as part of a Christmas Card
- Ice cave at toe of glacier (1)
- Ice cave at toe of glacier (2)
- Seals along shore at Glacier Bay
- Bird along shore at Glacier Bay
- GlacierBayZd01
- Fairweather Range (1)
- GlacierBayM01
- Glacier Bay spit w/ alpenglow on mountains
- GlacierBayN02
- This mountain near camp got Wayne’s attention...
- Wayne decided to solo part way up mountain...
- ...w/out ice axe or rope; got fairly high, as these...
- ...photos show. At one point, used a branch...
- ...for an alpenstock. But he had to turn around...
- ...when the snow field and rocks got too steep...
- ...at any rate, it was a nice hike.
- Tide flats at low tide near camp site (1)
- Tide flats at low tide near camp site (2)
- Tide flats at low tide near camp site (3)
- Bird’s nest
- Trail w/ wolf tracks on it
- Wolf tracks
- GlacierBayZ01
- Bear track
- Spit near camp site
- Departed a camp at 8:00pm one evening
- Fairweather Range (2)
- We saw whales during this trip
- Kayaking at Glacier Bay Trip 1B
- GlacierBayZc03
- GlacierBayZc01
- GlacierBayZb03
- On one island, we found wild strawberries
- Cruise ship at Glacier Bay (1)
- Cruise ship at Glacier Bay (2)
- GlacierBayZa03
- GlacierBayZb01
- GlacierBayZb02
- Fairweather Range (3)
- GlacierBayZe03
- Tide flats at low tide near camp site (4)
- Tide flats at low tide near camp site (5)
- Tide flats at low tide near camp site (6)
- Sunset at Glacier Bay
- Mt. McKinley (W. Buttress) - '86 (Part 1)
- Packing our gear at the airport (Photo by Dudley)
- Our taxi at the airport (Dudley, Phil, Jerry, Wayne, (L to R))
- Inside the "Overland Taxi" (photo by Dudley)
- Doug let us store some personal gear here (photo by Dudley)
- Doug (our pilot) and Linda (photo by Dudley)
- Doug's plane at airstrip in Talkeetna, AK (photo by Dudley)
- Dudley, Jerry, Doug [L to R] (photo by Dudley)
- MtMcKinlyCa-2
- Flight to the glacier (1)
- Flight to the glacier (2)
- Flight to the glacier (3)
- "One Shot Pass"
- "2nd Shot Pass" (photo by Dudley)
- The Kahiltna glacier landing site (1)
- Doug's plane on the Kahiltna glacier landing site (2)
- Doug's plane on the Kahiltna glacier landing site
- View of Mt. McKinley from Kahiltna Base Camp
- Kahiltna Base manager (Peter) & Russian team manager [L to R] (photo by Dudley)
- Peter's Kahiltna Base Camp Hut (in background)
- MtMcKinlyCb-3
- View of Mt. Foraker from Kahiltna Base Camp
- Windy conditions on Mt. Hunter seen from Kahiltna Base camp
- Avalanche on Mt. Hunter seen from Kahiltna Base
- Our team roped up on the Kahiltna glacier w/ sleds (1)
- First camp (photo by Dudley)
- View back toward landing site (around corner on L) from 1st camp
- MtMcKinlyAc-1
- View from 1st camp (~7,900')
- View of Mt. Foraker from 1st camp
- Our team roped up on the Kahiltna glacier w/ sleds (2)
- Second camp (1)
- Second camp (2)
- Dudley and his Firefly stove at 2nd camp
- Jerry at second camp
- View of Mt. McKinley from 2nd camp
- View of Mt. Hunter from 2nd Camp
- View from camp 2 at sunset
- We saw an avalanche affect the NE Fork Kahiltna glacier
- Carrying a load to a ~9,00' cache
- picMcKinly_Ap
- Our team roped up on the Kahiltna glacier w/ sleds (3)
- MtMcKinlyAk-2
- Our team roped up on the Kahiltna glacier w/ sleds (4)
- Jerry, Phil [L to R] (Photo by Dudley)
- Phil (1)
- Phil [2] (photo by Dudley)
- MtMcKinlyAm-3
- Jerry, Dudley (L to R), digging up cache at ~9,000'
- MtMcKinlyBa
- "Motorcycle Hill" seen from 3rd camp (11,000')
- 11,000' camp, Dudley, Jerry (L to R)
- 3rd camp (~11,000')
- MtMcKinlyBb
- View from ~11,000'
- Late evening
- Dudley building cache at 11,000'
- View from top of Motorcycle Hill
- MtMcKinlyCe-2
- Wayne [1] (photo by Dudley)
- MtMcKinlyBc
- MtMcKinlyBc-1
- The camp at 12,700'
- 12,700' camp, Jerry, Dudley (L to R)
- MtMcKinlyBd-1
- Late evening sun seen from camp at ~12,700'
- MtMcKinlyDa-1
- View Just before Windy Corner
- Jerry, Dudley (L to R) near Windy Corner (photo by Dudley)
- Jerry w/ 25lbs gear on sled going to 14,200' camp
- Wayne approaching Windy Corner
- Taking sleds around Windy Corner
- View from Windy Corner
- View of "The Headwall" from the Basin camp at 14,200'
- Dudley's windsock added some color to our camp
- Mt. McKinley (W. Buttress) - '86 (Part 2)
- "The Headwall" and climbers seen from Basin camp (14,200')
- "The Throne" and Mt Foraker seen from Basin camp (14,200')
- View from 14,200' Basin Camp
- View of McKinley from 14,200' Basin Camp
- Dudley near Windy Corner [cache retrieval]
- Dudley w/ icicle on beard
- Jerry, Wayne (L to R) at Basin Cmp (Foraker bkgd) (Dudley photo)
- Roped up and taking a break before reaching "The Headwall"
- View from ~14,600'
- Mt. Hunter and Basin camp seen from 14,600'
- Mt Foraker seen from 14,600'
- Dudley taking a break just below "The Headwall" (1)
- Dudley taking a break just below "The Headwall" (2)
- Jerry ascending "The Headwall"
- Jerry going up the fixed line on "The Headwall"
- Dudley ascending "The Headwall"
- We had hot soup for dinner at the 16,200' camp
- Jerry at sixth camp (16,200')
- View of Peter's glacier from sixth camp (16,200')
- Dudley, Jerry (L to R) on ridge leading to 17,200' camp
- Mt. Foraker seen from ridge (~16,500')
- We saw Kevin who was on the Mexican Volcano trip w/ me
- Jerry, Dudley (L to R) on ridge at 16,500'
- Wayne on ridge above 16,200' camp (Photo by Dudley)
- Denali Pass (18,200') seen from 17,200' camp (R leads to summit)
- Jerry just above Denali Pass (~18,400')
- Wayne just above Denali Pass (~18,400')
- Jerry w/ famiy business flag
- Jerry just above Denali Pass (~18,400') (2)
- Wayne w/ flag at ~18,400', as you can tell, it is windy
- Camp seven (17,200')
- Jerry descending ridge to the 16,200' camp (photo by Dudley)
- Descending "The Headwall"
- Dudley, Jerry (L to R) at Basin camp again (14,200')
- Our camp (14,200') [1st good meal in several days]
- Dudley had some fun and took the sled for a ride
- Dudley, after his joy ride
- Sun about to go behind flank of W. Buttress (14,200')
- View of W. Rib from 14,200'
- Flank of W. Buttress viewed from 14,200'
- Dudley, Wayne, Jerry (L to R) at the Basin Camp (14,200')
- We encountered high winds & poor visibility at Windy Corner
- Dudley at 11,000' camp (photo by Dudley)
- It snowed during the night at the 11,000' camp
- Jerry digging out from storm at 11,000' camp
- Jerry shoveling snow at 11,000' camp
- Dudley working out a snow cave kitchen at 11,000' camp
- Jerry building snow wall for kitchen at 11,000' camp
- 11,000' camp, Kahiltna Pass is in the clouds
- Waiting for flight out at our last camp (return to Basecamp)
- Near end of 35 hour wait at Base Camp
- View toward Mt. Foraker from Base camp
- Lowel Thomas Jr. (R) flew out climber who had a physical problem
- The flight out (1)
- The flight out (2)
- A "hanging glacier" seen during the flight out
- MtMcKinlyBm-1
- We were happy to be back at Talkeetna!
- Salmon Fishing Trip - 1993
- Salmon_fishing_2
- Salmon_fishing_3
- Salmon_fishing_4
- Salmon_fishing_5
- Salmon_fishing_6
- Salmon_fishing_7
- Nik: Preparing some salmon eggs for fishing
- The jet boat (1)
- Getting on board the jet boat
- The jet boat (2)
- Jim fishing along the bank
- Jim with fish on; Nik operating the net (1)
- Jim with fish on; Nik operating the net (2)
- Jim with Chinook Salmon
- Wayne with Chinook salmon; Jim fishing
- Wayne with Chinook salmon
- Jim, Nik (L to R): Nik brewing some coffee
- Jim, Nik (L to R): Nik brewing some coffee to go with the muffins
- Jim, Nik (L to R): notice the open fish box
- Nik getting ready to come to shore
- Wayne, Jim, Russel (L to R)
- Nik, Mel (L to R): Nik is about to filet this salmon
- Nik at the filet station
- Fish trap is to the right of the boat
- Fish trap: Near horizontal position
- Fish trap: Near vertical position
- This Sockey salmon just got trapped!
- Salmon_fishing_46
- Jim on trail to river
- Jim fishing from the bank
- AlCan Hwy Trip 1C
- Arizona
- Grand Canyon Trip - 1991
- Grand Canyon National Park sign
- Cactus in bloom
- View of Grand Canyon from South Rim (1)
- View of Grand Canyon from South Rim (2)
- View of Grand Canyon from South Rim (3)
- View of Grand Canyon from South Rim (4)
- View of Grand Canyon from South Rim (5)
- View of Grand Canyon from South Rim (6)
- View of Grand Canyon from South Rim (7)
- View of Grand Canyon from South Rim (8)
- View of Grand Canyon from South Rim (9)
- View of Grand Canyon from South Rim (10)
- View of Grand Canyon from South Rim (11)
- View of Bright Angel Trail from South Rim (1)
- View of Bright Angel Trail from South Rim (2)
- View of Bright Angel Trail from South Rim (3)
- View of South Rim
- Grand Canyon National Park (1)
- Grand Canyon National Park (2)
- Grand Canyon National Park (3)
- Bright Angel Trail - 1991
- View near top of Bright Angel Trail (1)
- View near top of Bright Angel Trail (2)
- View near top of Bright Angel Trail (3)
- View near top of Bright Angel Trail (4)
- View part way down Bright Angel Trail (1)
- cactus in bloom (1)
- View from Plateau Point (1)
- View from Plateau Point (2)
- View from Plateau Point (3)
- View from Plateau Point (4)
- View from Plateau Point (5)
- View looking back toward South Rim from Plateau Point
- View of trail going down to river from Plateau Point
- Plateau Point
- Lizard along trail (1)
- Lizard along trail (2)
- Lizard along trail (3)
- Cactus in bloom along trail (1)
- Cactus in bloom along trail (2)
- Cactus in bloom along trail (3)
- Cactus in bloom along trail (4)
- Cactus in bloom along trail (5)
- Cactus in bloom along trail (6)
- Wayne
- Cactus in bloom along trail (7)
- Lizard along trail (4)
- Cactus along trail
- A nice rest stop along trail (Indian Garden)
- Indian Garden Ranger station
- Mule train along trail
- A (female) desert bighorn sheep on trail
- Grand Canyon Trip - 1991
- California
- Northern California Redwoods Trip - 2017
- Smith River (Middle Fork)
- Coastal scenery (1)
- Coastal scenery (2)
- Coastal scenery (3)
- Coastal scenery (4)
- A Golden Bear on Klamath River bridge
- View of Klamath River from the bridge
- Juli near mouth of Klamath River overlook
- Klamath Overlook Trail sign
- Coastal scenery (5)
- Mouth of Klamath River seen from the Klamath overlook
- Juli along Klamath Overlook trail
- Our camp site at Mill Creek campground
- Breakfast
- Interpretive Trail sign
- Juli on trail (1)
- Wayne next to Redwood trees
- Merriman Grove sign
- Interesting tree growth (1)
- Merriman Grove Redwoods (1)
- Juli next to Redwood tree (1)
- Merriman Grove Redwoods (2)
- Juli next to Redwood tree (2)
- Bull elk in meadow
- Redwoods in the fog (1)
- Redwoods in the fog (2)
- Lunch along the beach with Juli
- Beach scene (1)
- Beach scene (2)
- Beach scene (3)
- Beach scene (4)
- Juli hiking on the beach
- Juli and interesting rock formation
- Interesting rock formation (1)
- Beach scene (5)
- Vegetation next to the beach
- Interesting rock formation (2)
- Juli on trail next to the beach
- The trail next to the beach
- Scenery near the beach (1)
- Scenery near the beach (2)
- Lady Bird Johnson Grove sign
- Juli on bridge (1)
- Juli on bridge (2)
- "Chicken of the woods"
- Juli reading sign at Lady Bird Johnson Grove
- Lady Bird Johnson Grove Dedication
- Juli next to Redwood tree (3)
- Redwoods in the fog (3)
- Redwoods_D_1
- Nickerson Ranch Trail sign
- Redwoods_D_7
- Sign along Nickerson Ranch Trail
- Stout Memorial Grove sign
- Juli on Stout Memorial Grove trail
- Juli next to Redwood tree (4)
- Juli on walkway crossing the Smith River
- Interesting tree growth (2)
- My Photos of the San Francisco Trip - 2011
- Restaurant at Fisherman’s Wharf
- Cable Car (1)
- Cable Car (2)
- Cable Car (3)
- Inside a Cable Car (1)
- Cable Car (4)
- Chinatown
- The Golden Gate Bridge
- Hot Fudge Sundae at Ghirardelli Square
- Entrance at Ghirardelli Square
- Cable Car (5)
- In-N-Out Burger at Fisherman’s Wharf
- Sign at Fisherman's Wharf (1)
- SanFran_Trp2_2011_B_2
- Cable Car (6)
- Inside a Cable Car (2)
- Sign at Fisherman's Wharf (2)
- Fisherman's Wharf businesses
- San Francisco streetcar
- Christmas decorations at the Wharf
- Cable Car (7)
- Northern California Redwoods Trip - 2017
- Illinois
- My Photos of Springfield, Illinois, September 2016
- Abraham Lincoln statue, Union Square Park, Springfield, Illinois (1)
- Abraham Lincoln statue, Union Square Park, Springfield, Illinois (2)
- Lincoln statue, SW corner Union Square Park, Springfield, Illinois
- Lincoln museum exhibit (1)
- Lincoln museum exhibit (2)
- Lincoln museum exhibit (3)
- Lincoln museum exhibit (4)
- Lincoln museum exhibit (5)
- Lincoln museum exhibit (6)
- Lincoln museum exhibit (7)
- Lincoln museum exhibit (8)
- Lincoln museum exhibit (9)
- Lincoln museum exhibit (10)
- Lincoln museum exhibit (11)
- Lincoln museum exhibit (12)
- My College Football Photos
- The Elsah, Illinois and “Prin” campus Freeway Exit
- Reference 1 article (1)
- Reference 1 article (2)
- Reference 1 article (3)
- Reference 1 article (4)
- Reference 1 article (5)
- Reference 2 article (1)
- Reference 2 article (2)
- Reference 2 article (3)
- Reference 2 article (4)
- Reference 2 article (5)
- Reference 3 article
- Reference 4 article
- Reference 5 (1)
- Reference 5 (2)
- 12 consecutive football games (as of Sept 29, 1974)
- My College Football Photos (Part 2)
- My College Football Photos (Part 3)
- “Prin” vs Sewanee (1975) Game Program cover
- Reference 2 game photo [Wayne on R end, middle of photo]
- “Prin” vs Centre College (1975) Game Program cover
- Reference 1 article
- Reference 3, Vermont, Wayne (L to R) on “Prin” campus
- Reference 3, Wayne, Doris (L to R) on “Prin” campus (Brooks House in background)
- Reference 3, “Prin” team running onto the (home) field
- Reference 3, Rose-Hulman kicking off, “Prin” team w/ dark jerseys [Wayne on return team-left most]
- Reference 3, “Prin” on offense [Wayne at left guard position]
- Reference 3, Wayne taking a brief break on the bench [Dave is standing near bench]
- Reference 4 article (part 1)
- Reference 4 article (part 2)
- My Photos of Springfield, Illinois, September 2016
- Louisiana
- My Photos of New Orleans - 1993
- Downtown New Orleans (1)
- Downtown New Orleans (2)
- Downtown New Orleans (3)
- NewOrleans_1993_10
- NewOrleans_1993_11
- Wayne - 1993 trip to New Orleans
- Downtown New Orleans (4)
- Downtown New Orleans (5)
- Downtown New Orleans (6)
- NewOrleans_1993_18
- Fountain in NewOrleans (1)
- Fountain in NewOrleans (2)
- Riverwalk entrance in New Orleans
- Riverboat in New Orleans (1)
- Riverboat in New Orleans (2)
- Riverboat in New Orleans (3)
- Riverboat in New Orleans (4)
- Fishing boat in New Orleans
- Riverboat in New Orleans (5)
- French Market in New Orleans
- My Photos of New Orleans - 1993
- Missouri
- My Photos of St. Louis taken in October - 2005
- View of St. Louis, Oct. 2005 (1)
- View of St. Louis, Oct. 2005 (2)
- View of St. Louis, Oct. 2005 (3)
- View of St. Louis, Oct. 2005 (4)
- View of the Arch (1)
- View of the Arch (2)
- View of the Arch (3)
- View of the Arch (4)
- View of the Arch (5)
- View of the Arch (6)
- View of waterfront near the Arch (1)
- View of waterfront near the Arch (2)
- View of Busch Stadium from Arch Observation Deck (1)
- View of Busch Stadium from Arch Observation Deck (2)
- View of Busch Stadium from Arch Observation Deck (3)
- View of Mississippi R. from Arch Observation Deck
- Outside Busch baseball stadium - 2005 (1)
- Outside Busch baseball stadium - 2005 (2)
- Outside Busch baseball stadium - 2005 (3)
- Outside Busch baseball stadium - 2005 (4)
- Outside Busch baseball stadium - 2005 (5)
- View inside Busch baseball stadium under construction 2005
- St. Louis Cardinals vs. Chicago Cubs - 2016
- Sign at Gate 2 of Busch Stadium prior to St. Louis Cards baseball game
- St. Louis Cards baseball game vs. Chicago Cubs - Sept. 2016 (1)
- St. Louis Cards baseball game vs. Chicago Cubs - Sept. 2016 (2)
- St. Louis Cards baseball game vs. Chicago Cubs - Sept. 2016 (3)
- St. Louis Cards baseball game vs. Chicago Cubs - Sept. 2016 (4)
- St. Louis Cards baseball game vs. Chicago Cubs - Sept. 2016 (5)
- Chicago Cubs meeting on the pitcher’s mound
- St. Louis Cards baseball game vs. Chicago Cubs - Sept. 2016 (6)
- St. Louis Cards 4 - Chicago Cubs 2
- St. Louis Cards baseball game vs. Chicago Cubs - Sept. 2016 (7)
- An option at Ted Drewes Drive-in on Route 66
- A "Cardinal Sin concrete Custard" shake at Ted Drewes Drive-in
- St. Louis Cardinals vs. Cincinnati Reds - 2017
- Steve inside Busch Stadium - Sept. 13, 2017
- Wayne inside Busch Stadium - Sept. 13, 2017
- St. Louis Cards baseball game vs. Cincinnati Reds - Sept. 2017 (1)
- St. Louis Cards baseball game vs. Cincinnati Reds - Sept. 2017 (2)
- St. Louis Cards baseball game vs. Cincinnati Reds - Sept. 2017 (3)
- St. Louis Cards baseball game vs. Cincinnati Reds - Sept. 2017 (4)
- St. Louis Cards baseball game vs. Cincinnati Reds - Sept. 2017 (5)
- Ted Drewes Drive-in on Route 66
- An option at Ted Drewes Drive-in on Route 66
- Steve with concrete custard shake at Ted Drewes drive-in
- My Photos of St. Louis taken in October - 2005
- Oregon
- Texas
- San Antonio Trip - 1992
- The Alamo (1)
- San Antonio (1)
- The Alamo (2)
- The Alamo (3)
- The Alamo (4)
- The River Walk (1)
- The River Walk (2)
- San Antonio (2)
- 1893 building that Royalty Coins is in
- Tower of America
- San Antonio (3)
- A fountain in San Antonio
- San Antonio (4)
- A flower garden in San Antonio (1)
- A flower garden in San Antonio (2)
- San Antonio Trip - 1992
- Washington
- Canada
- British Columbia
- Float Plane to BC Trip 1
- Super Cub on floats
- BC Coastal Range (1)
- Mt. Waddington, BC
- BC scenery (1)
- BC scenery (2)
- BC Coastal Range (2)
- BC Coastal Range (3)
- Super Cub along a BC Lake (1)
- Pilot Geoff and Super Cub float plane
- Geoff at camp site along a BC Lake
- Geoff w/ package of bacon
- Camp site along a BC Lake
- Meadow near camp site
- Geoff landing a trout on a BC Lake
- Wayne w/ moose antlers found close to camp site
- Moose antlers and skull
- Super Cub along a BC Lake (2)
- Lake in BC (1)
- Super Cub along a BC Lake (3)
- Lake in BC (2)
- Lake in BC (3)
- Lake Charlotte, B.C.
- BC scenery (3)
- BC Coastal Range (4)
- Killer whale in Straight of Georgia (1)
- Killer whale in Straight of Georgia (2)
- Float Plane to BC Trip 2A
- Pilot Geoff & Cessna 185 on floats
- Cloud burst in BC
- BCflightW02
- BCflightX
- BCflightX01
- BCflightX02
- BCflightY
- BCflightK01
- BCflightK02
- BCflightK03
- Straight of Georgia seen from air
- Glacier below Mt. Waddington
- BCflightN02
- BC Coastal Range (1)
- Approaching “Fish L.”, BC (1)
- Approaching “Fish L.”, BC (2)
- Camp site at “Fish L.”, BC
- Geoff, Jim (L to R), at “Fish L.”, BC
- “Fish Lake”, BC (1)
- “Fish Lake”, BC (2)
- “Fish Lake”, BC (3)
- Taxiing on lake in BC (1)
- Taxiing on lake in BC (2)
- BCflightR02
- BCflightR03
- BCflightS01
- BCflightS02
- Charlotte Lake, BC
- BCflightU01
- BCflightU02
- BCflightU03
- BCflightV01
- BCflightV03
- BCflightW
- BCflightZ01
- Bird’s eye view of a rainbow in BC
- BCflightZ02
- BCflightZa01
- BCflightZa02
- BCflightZa03
- BCflightZb01
- BCflightZb02
- BCflightZb03
- Jim, Wayne (L to R) at Kakiddi L. camp site
- Kakiddi Lake, BC (1)
- Kakiddi Lake, BC (2)
- Kakiddi Lake, BC (3)
- Float plane along Kakiddi Lake, BC (1)
- Jim, Geoff (L to R), at Kakiddi L. camp site
- Kakiddi Lake, BC (4)
- Kakiddi Lake, BC (5)
- Kakiddi Lake, BC (6)
- Kakiddi Lake, BC (7)
- Kakiddi Lake, BC (8)
- Kakiddi Lake, BC (9)
- Kakiddi Lake, BC (10)
- Float Plane along Kakiddi Lake, BC (2)
- Kakiddi Lake, BC (1)
- BCflightZh03
- Float plane along Kakiddi Lake, BC (3)
- Float Plane to BC Trip 2B
- Wayne w/ fish on his face
- Getting ready to leave Kakiddi Lake, BC
- BCflightZj01
- BCflightZj02
- Flank of Mt. Edziza, BC
- BCflightZk01
- Cinder cone near Mt. Edziza, BC (1)
- Cinder cone near Mt. Edziza, BC (2)
- Cinder cone near Mt. Edziza, BC (3)
- Cinder cone near Mt. Edziza, BC (4)
- BCflightZl03
- BCflightZm02
- Stone Mt. Sheep near Mt. Edziza, BC (1)
- Stone Mt. Sheep near Mt. Edziza, BC (2)
- BCflightZo01
- BCflightZo02
- Mt. goats in BC (1)
- Mt, goats in BC (2)
- Mt. goats in BC (3)
- BCflightZw03
- BCflightZq02
- picBCflight9
- BCflightZr01
- BCflightZr02
- BCflightZr03
- BCflightZs01
- BCflightZs02
- BCflightZs03
- BCflightZt01
- Geoff, Jim (L to R), float plane on Fenton L, BC
- Float plane on Fenton L., BC
- Geoff fishing on Fenton L., BC
- BCflightZt03
- BCflightZw02
- Fenton L, BC
- Geoff panning for gold
- BCflightZv01
- Mosquitoes on Wayne’s shirt
- Camp site on Fenton L, Geoff in background
- Jim, Geoff (L2R) next to Wayne’s Early Wintrs tent
- Oxbow turns
- Bull moose feeding in pond, BC (1)
- Bull moose feeding in pond, BC (2)
- Bull moose feeding in pond, BC (3)
- BCflightZzb01
- BC Coastan Range (2)
- BC Coastal Range (3)
- BC Coastal Range (4)
- BC Coastal Range (5)
- BC Coastal Range (6)
- picBCflight16
- BC Coastal Range (7)
- Glacier below Mt. Waddington, BC (2)
- Glacier below Mt. Waddington, BC (3)
- BCflightZzg01
- Hood Canal floating bridge, WA
- AlCan Hwy Trip 1A
- Geoff w/ Jeep at start of trip
- Wayne, Geoff (L to R) at start of trip
- We spotted a coyote in a field
- Williams L., B.C.
- picAlCanHwy_BC_A
- AlCanHwy_BC_B02
- AlCanHwy_BC_C01
- picAlCanHwy_BC_B
- picAlCanHwy_BC_C
- Geoff filling the Jeep up w/ gas
- AlCanHwy_BC_D01
- AlCanHwy_BC_F01
- AlCanHwy_BC_F03
- AlCanHwy_BC_G01
- AlCanHwy_BC_G02
- AlCanHwy_BC_G03
- AlCanHwy_BC_H01
- Interesting bridge near Muncho Lake
- We took a side-trip in Muncho Lake Prov. Park
- Side-trip into Muncho L. Prov. Park (1)
- Camp site in Muncho Lake Prov. Park
- Side-trip into Muncho L. Prov. Park (2)
- Wayne looking at a map
- AlCanHwy_BC_L01
- Muncho Lake
- Stone sheep, Muncho L. Prov. Park (1)
- Stone sheep, Muncho L. Prov. Park (2)
- Stone sheep, Muncho L. Prov. Park (3)
- Stone sheep, Muncho L. Prov. Park (4)
- Stone sheep, Muncho L. Prov. Park (5)
- Stone sheep, Muncho L. Prov. Park (6)
- Stone sheep, Muncho L. Prov. Park (7)
- Stone sheep, Muncho L. Prov. Park (8)
- “AlCan” Highway (1)
- “AlCan” Highway (2)
- First time to the Yukon for Wayne
- AlCanHwy_YU_B01
- Famous sign posts at Watson Lake (1)
- Famous sign posts at Watson Lake (2)
- Famous sign posts at Watson Lake (3)
- Watson Lake, B.C.
- AlCanHwy_YU_C02
- AlCanHwy_YU_E01
- A rainbow over a lake along the “AlCan”
- We fixed dinner away from camp-site [due to bears]
- I caught a 14” grayling near camp
- A trapper told us about a camp site that is...
- ...open to the public w/ a lake that has fish in it...
- We caught some nice grayling fly fishing
- AlCanHwy_YU_H03
- “AlCan” Highway (3)
- A paved “AlCan” 60 miles before Whitehorse
- AlCanHwy_YU_I03
- AlCanHwy_BC_K
- Wayne at Miles Canyon
- Geoff at Miles Canyon
- Miles Canyon
- The city limits in Canada are huge-not a bld. in sight
- Whitehorse, YU (1)
- Steamer, Whitehorse, YU (1)
- Steamer, Whitehorse, YU (2)
- Whitehorse, YU (2)
- AlCanHwy_YU_Q03
- “AlCan” Highway (4)
- “AlCan” Highway (5)
- “AlCan” Highway (6)
- We took a side-trip in Kluane Nat. Park...
- ...16 mi. on a 4X4 road to a gold mine
- At one point, I got out of the Jeep; we were...
- worried that the Jeep might roll, but it didn’t.
- porcupine (1)
- porcupine (2)
- We continued on and drove all the way...
- ...to the old mine along Sugden Cr., Yukon Ter.
- We found sluice box remnants...;
- ...along this small stream at the mine site
- Log cabin at mine site (1)
- Log cabin at mine site (2)
- Roof of log cabin at mine site
- AlCanHwy_YU_L02
- AlCan Hwy Trip 1B
- Geoff spotted some goats on a mountain side
- Geoff tried his luck at panning for gold (1)
- Geoff tried his luck at pannig for gold (2)
- Wayne tried his luck at panning for gold (1)
- Wayne tried his luck at panning for gold (2)
- Kluane Lake is quite impressive
- “AlCan” Highway (7)
- Koidern, Yukon Ter.
- See AL ”AlCan” Hwy (Part 2) for rest of trip...
- B.C. Roads
- Coquihalla Hwy 5 (1)
- Mountains near Hope (1)
- Coquihalla Hwy 5 (2)
- Coquihalla Hwy 5 (3)
- Coquihalla Hwy 5 (4)
- Coquihalla Hwy 5 (5)
- Rest stop near Kamloops Lake (1)
- Rest stop near Kamloops Lake (2)
- Rest stop near Kamloops Lke (3)
- Fall colors along Hwy 16 (1)
- Fall colors along Hwy 16 (2)
- Fall colors along Hwy 16 (3)
- Fall colors along Hwy 16 (4)
- Fall colors along Hwy 16 (6)
- Cheslatta Trail sign
- Cheslatta Trail (1)
- Cheslatta Trail (2)
- Otters in lake
- Bulkley R, along Hwy 16 (1)
- Bulkley R. along Hwy 16 (2)
- Mountains near Hazelton
- Bridge below falls at Moricetown
- Falls at Moricetown (1)
- Falls at Moricetown (2)
- First Nations people sometimes net fish here
- Falls at Moricetown (3)
- Falls at Moricetown (4)
- Falls at Moricetown (5)
- Falls at Moricetown (6)
- Canyon below falls at Moricetown (1)
- Canyon below falls at Moricetown (2)
- Canyon below falls at Moricetown (3)
- Canyon below falls at Moricetown (4)
- Bulkley R. near Hazelton
- Mountain scenery above the Bulkley R.
- Coquihalla Hwy 5 (6)
- Coquihalla Hwy 5 (7)
- Coquihalla Hwy 5 (8)
- Coquihalla Hwy 5 (9)
- Coquihalla Hwy 5 (10)
- Prince Rupert, B.C.
- Prince Rupert’s waterfront (1)
- Priince Rupert’s waterfront (2)
- Quaint Cow Bay shopping district (1)
- Quaint Cow Bay shopping district (2)
- Kwinitsa Railway Station
- Prince Rupert’s waterfront (3)
- Prince Rupert Harbour
- Boats at Prince Rupert (1)
- Boats at Prince Rupert (2)
- Wainwright Basin near Prince Rupert (1)
- Bridge connecting Prince Rupert to main land
- Wainwright Basin near Prince Rupert (2)
- Lake along Hwy 16 near Prince Rupert
- Skeena R. (1)
- Near mouth of Skeena R. (1)
- Near mouth of Skeena R. (2)
- Near mouth of Skeena R. (3)
- Near mouth of Skeena R. (4)
- Near mouth of Skeena R. (5)
- Towns along the Skeena River System
- SmithersM
- SmithersM02
- SmithersM01
- SmithersL
- Smithers, B.C. mainstreet (1)
- SmithersC01
- Smithers, B.C. mainstreet (2)
- Smithers, B.C. mainstreet (3)
- Smithers, B.C. mainstreet (4)
- Smithers, B.C. mainstreet (5)
- Mountain peaks near Hazelton (1)
- Mountain peaks near Hazelton (2)
- Mountain peaks near Hazelton (3)
- Nice viewpoint near Hazelton
- OldHazeltonO
- Bulkley R. viewpoint near Hazelton
- OldHazeltonA01
- View of bridge and Bulkley R., Hazelton
- View of bridge over the Bulkley R., near Hazelton
- BulkleyG01
- Note photo of original First Nation’s Bridge
- View of Skeena R. near Hazelton (1)
- View of Skeena R. near Hazelton (2)
- OldHazeltonA03
- Old Hazelton (1)
- Old Hazelton, got a fishing license here
- Old Hazelton (2)
- Old Hazelton(3)
- Old Hazelton(4)
- Park at Old Hazelton
- OldHazeltonA
- Old Hazelton Sternwheeler (1)
- Old Hazelton Sternwheeler (2)
- Old Hazelton Sternwheeler (3)
- Old Hazelton Sternwheeler (3)
- Old Hazelton Park
- TerraceE01
- TerraceE
- TerraceD
- TerraceE03
- TerraceD01
- Terrace municipal campground
- TerraceD03
- TerraceE02
- Fly tying equipment (1)
- TerraceB
- Functional, but tight living quarters
- The Cassiar Highway
- The start of the Cassiar Hwy
- CassiarM
- CassiarL02
- OldHazeltonL
- CassiarL
- CassiarL01
- StewartA
- OldHazeltonL01
- The Cassiar Hwy (1)
- Marsh along the Cassiar Hwy
- One lane Nass R. bridge
- The Nass R. (1)
- The Nass R. (2)
- The Nass R. in Fall colors (1)
- The Nass R. in Fall colors (2)
- The Nass R. in Fall colors (3)
- The Nass R. in Fall colors (4)
- The Nass R. in Fall colors (5)
- The Cassiar Hwy (2)
- The Cassiar Hwy (3)
- The Cassiar Hwy (4)
- Creek near Meziadin L. (1)
- Creek near Meziadin L. (2)
- Creek near Meziadin L. (3)
- StewartC02
- Camp ground at Meziadin L.
- Meziadin L. (1)
- Meziadin L. (2)
- Looking W. toward mountains (1)
- Looking W. toward mountains (2)
- CassiarH
- CassiarJ02
- CassiarH01
- Stewart, B.C. & Hyder, AL
- A clerk: “Stewart hasn’t flooded since ’65 quake”
- Stewart, B.C. main street (1)
- Stewart, B.C. main street (2)
- Stewart, B.C. main street (3)
- StewartK
- StewartD02
- Stewart, B.C. main street (4)
- Yes, Stewart has a bakery!
- Stewart, B.C. main street (5)
- Stewart, B.C. main street (6)
- StewartL
- StewartK01
- A good place to have breakfast
- CassiarA03
- StewartE01
- Board walk, Stewart, B.C.
- Boardwalk, Stewart, B.C. (2)
- StewartL03
- StewartL01
- StewartB01
- StewartB02
- StewartB
- StewartC01
- StewartK02
- StewartH
- StewartK03
- Hyder, AL main street
- StewartE03
- StewartG
- picHyderA
- Bella Coola Trip 1A
- View along Hwy 20
- I just missed a photo op of a cow & calf moose
- Hwy 20, near Nimpo Lake
- Shoreline of Nimpo Lake
- Float plane on Nimpo Lake
- Nimpo Lake (1)
- Entrance to Tweedsmuir Provincial Park
- Meadow in Tweedsmuir Prov. Park (1)
- Meadow in Tweedsmuir Prov. Park (2)
- Small Lake in Tweedsmuir Prov. Park (1)
- Small Lake in Tweedsmuir Prov. Park (2)
- Small Lake in Tweedsmuir Prov. Park (3)
- Small Lake in Tweedsmuir Prov. Park (4)
- BellaCoola_If01
- BellaCoola_Iu03
- View at pass, Tweekdsmuir Prov. Pk.
- View at pass, Tweedsmuir Prov. Park (1)
- View at pass, Tweedsmuir Prov. Park (2)
- View at pass, Tweedsmuir Prov. Park (3)
- View at pass, Tweedsmuir Prov. Park (4)
- Black bear (1)
- Black bear (2)
- View of Hwy 20 descent toward Bella Coola (1)
- View of Hwy 20 descent toward Bella Coola (2)
- Mother black bear and cub
- Farm w/ mountain scenery (1)
- Farm w/ mountain scenery (2)
- Farm w/ mountain scenery (3)
- Farm w/ mountain scenery (4)
- View of mountain & glacier (1)
- View of mountain & glacier (2)
- View of glacier w/ telephoto lens (2)
- View of glacier w/ telephoto lens (3)
- Bella Coola Valley (1)
- Co Op Store in Bella Coola, B.C.
- Bella Coola, B.C. (1)
- Totem pole in Bella Coola, B.C.
- Church in Bella Coola, B.C.
- Bella Coola, B.C. (2)
- Bella Coola, B.C. (3)
- Bella Coola, B.C. (4)
- Port of Bella Coola (1)
- Port of Bella Coola (2)
- Port of Bella Coola (3)
- Port of Bella Coola (4)
- Port of Bella Coola, note ferry in background (1)
- Port of Bella Coola (5)
- Port of Bella Coola, note ferry in background (2)
- Port of Bella Coola (6)
- Port of Bella Coola (7)
- Ferry terminal, Bella Coola, B.C. (1)
- Bella Coola ferry (1)
- Bella Coola ferry (2)
- BellaCoola_Ip03
- BellaCoola_Ip02
- Ferry leaving Bella Coola (1)
- Ferry leaving Bella Coola (2)
- Ferry leaving Bella Coola (3)
- First Nations fishermen w/ free floating gill net (1)
- First Nations fishermen w/ free floating gill net (2)
- Bella Coola R. near mouth (1)
- Bella Coola R. near mouth (2)
- Bella Coola R. (1)
- Bailey Bridge & camp ground w/ boat launch
- Bailey Bridge
- Bella Coola Trip 1B
- Bella Coola R. (2)
- Bella Coola R. (3)
- Bella Coola R. (4)
- Bella Coola R. (5)
- Guide & 2 clients launch at Bailey campground
- The guide told me about the Airport hole...
- Drift boat on Bella Coola R.
- The Ball Park Island bridge
- Lower island
- Middle island
- Rock walls along Bella Coola R.
- Rock walls above Bella Coola River
- Airport hole: Guide & spin fisherman showed up
- Spin fisherman landed 18lb chum (guide helped)
- Wayne hooked a salmon also
- BellaCoola_Izg
- Wayne playing a 16 lb chum salmon
- BellaCoola_Izf02
- BellaCoola_Iza
- A 12” Dolly Varden
- BC Glaciers 1A
- BC Mountain scenery (1)
- BC Mountain scenery (2)
- Meadow in bloom w/ view near Bear L. (1)
- Meadow in bloom w/ view near Bear L. (2)
- Rock formations seen near Bear L.
- Bear Glacier & Bear L. near Stewart, B.C.
- BearGlK
- Bear glacier (1)
- Bear glacier (2)
- Bear glacier (3)
- Bear glacier (4)
- Bear glacier (5)
- Bear glacier (6)
- Bear glacier (7)
- Fall colors along Bear glacier (1)
- Fall colors along Bear glacier (2)
- Fall colors along Bear glacier (3)
- Fall colors along Bear glacier (4)
- BearGlL01
- BearGlL
- Toe of Bear glacier (1)
- Toe of Bear glacier (2)
- Toe of Bear glacier (3)
- Toe of Bear glacier (4)
- Toe of Bear glacier (5)
- SalmonGlZA
- The Salmon R. (1)
- The Salmon R. (2)
- SalmonGlY02
- SalmonGlY
- Reflection along Salmon R. gravel bar (1)
- Reflection along Salmon R. gravel bar (2)
- Reflection along Salmon R. gravel bar (3)
- Reflection along Salmon R. gravel bar (4)
- SalmonGlZE03
- Salmon R. valley viewpoint, (at 17 m)
- SalmonGlZG
- U shaped valley (1)
- U shaped valley (2)
- U shaped valley (3)
- U shaped valley (4)
- SalmonGlZG02
- SalmonGlZ02
- Mountain peaks above the Salmon glacier (1)
- Mountain peaks above the Salmon glacier (2)
- Mountain peaks above the Salmon glacier (3)
- SalmonGlZG03
- SalmonGlZF03
- Toe of Salmon glacier, (17.2 miles)
- Toe of Salmon glacier
- View of lower Salmon glacier (1)
- View of lower Salmon glacier (2)
- SalmonGlZD03
- View of lower Salmon glacier (3)
- View of lower Salmon glacier (4)
- SalmonGlZD01
- View of lower Salmon glacier (5)
- SalmonGlZF
- SalmonGlZ01
- SalmonGlZF01
- SalmonGlZF02
- SalmonGlZE01
- Summit Viewpoint, Salmon gl. (22.9 mi)
- Salmon glacier, Summit Viewpoint (1)
- Salmon glacier, Summit Viewpoint (2)
- Salmon glacier, Summit Viewpoint (3)
- Salmon glacier, Summit Viewpoint (4)
- Salmon glacier, Summit Viewpoint (5)
- Salmon glacier, Summit Viewpoint (6)
- Salmon glacier, Summit Viewpoint (7)
- Salmon glacier, Summit Viewpoint (8)
- Salmon glacier, Summit Viewpoint (9)
- Salmon glacier, Summit Viewpoint (10)
- Salmon glacier, Summit Viewpoint (11)
- Salmon glacier, Summit Viewpoint (12)
- Salmon glacier, Summit Viewpoint (13)
- Salmon glacier, N. Arm
- Salmon glacier, N. Toe, Ice cliff (1)
- Salmon glacier, N. Toe, Ice cliff (2)
- Salmon glacier, N. Toe, Ice cliff (3)
- Salmon glacier, N. Toe (1)
- BC Glaciers 1B
- Salmon glacier, N. Toe (2)
- Salmon glacier, N. Toe (3)
- Salmon glacier, N. Toe (4)
- Salmon glacier, N. Toe (5)
- Beyond Salmon glacier N. Toe (1)
- Beyond Salmon glacier N. Toe (2)
- Berendon glacier Viewpoint, (~30 mi.)
- Berendon glacier viewpoint (1)
- Berendon glacier viewpoint (2)
- Berendon glacier Toe viewpoint
- Berendon glacier viewpoint (3)
- Berendon glacier viewpoint (4)
- Berendon glacier viewpoint (5)
- Lake at Toe of Berendon glacier (1)
- Lake at Toe of Berendon glacier (2)
- Lake at Toe of Berendon glacier (3)
- Mining activity
- Bears at Hyder
- Bear viewing station at Fish Creek (1)
- Bear viewing station at Fish Creek (2)
- Bear viewing station at Fish Creek (3)
- Fish Creek
- Fish Creek w/ dead salmon
- Arctic Terns w/ Chum salmon
- Grizzly bear crossing Fish Cr.
- Grizzly bear at Fish Cr. (1)
- A mother grizzly w/ 3 cubs standing in Fish Cr. (1)
- A mother grizzly w/ 3 cubs standing in Fish Cr. (2)
- Fish Creek grizzly bears
- Grizzly cub sitting in Fish Creek
- A grizzly bear chasing Chum Salmon
- A bear catches a Chum salmon
- Grizzly bears w/ Chum Salmon (1)
- Grizzly bears w/ Chum Salmon (2)
- A bear w/ a Chum salmon
- Grizzly bears at Fish Cr.
- Grizzly bear at Fish Cr. (2)
- Grizzly bears w/ Chum Salmon (3)
- Grizzly bears w/ Chum Salmon (4)
- This grizzly cub was tempted to climb a tree
- Something smells good (1)
- Something smells good (2)
- On the prowl (1)
- On the prowl (2)
- On the prowl (3)
- On the prowl (4)
- On the prowl (5)
- On the prowl (6)
- Trying to catch up w/ the others
- A mother grizzly looking for a meal for the cubs
- On the prowl (7)
- A 500 lb male grizzly bear
- This bear needs swimming goggles?
- On the prowl (8)
- The mother bear gave a cub a meal
- A grizzly cub w/ a nice meal
- Almost lost it, but did manage to hang on to it
- Notice Chum Salmon (upper R)
- Gizzly cubs at play (1)
- Grizzly cubs at play (2)
- Grizzly cubs at play (3)
- Grizzly cubs at play (4)
- A black bear next to the Blue Lagoon (Fish Cr.)
- Bears at “The Blue Lagoon” (Fish Creek)
- Mother grizzly & 3 cubss swam to the other side...
- And climbed onto a log
- One of them had a hard time getting on the log
- The Blue Lagoon (1)
- The Blue Lagoon (2)
- The Blue Lagoon (3)
- The Blue Lagoon (4)
- BC Steelhead 1A
- the lower Skeena
- Spey fisherman w/ 13 lb coho on, Skeena
- Fly caught 28” Coho, Skeena
- SkeenaC
- Fly caught Pink Salmon hen
- Pink Salmon buck
- MoriceA
- MoriceD
- MoriceE
- MoriceD02
- MoriceA01
- MoriceA03
- MoriceB01
- MoriceB02
- MoriceB03
- Bulkley, near Smithers, BC (1)
- Bulkley, near Smithers, BC (2)
- Bulkley, near Smithers, BC (3)
- BulklyA02
- BulklyB
- BulklyA03
- BulklyA
- BulklyA01
- BabineA01
- BabineA02
- BabineB
- BabineC
- BabineC01
- BabineC02
- BabineC03
- Clore (1)
- Clore (2)
- Clore (3)
- CloreC
- Copper (1)
- CopperE01
- Copper (2)
- Copper (3)
- Copper (4)
- CopperE02
- Copper (5)
- Copper (6)
- Copper (7)
- 32 1/4” B.C steelhead
- 19 1/4” Dolly Varden, Copper
- 19 1/2” Dolly Varden, Copper
- 19” Dolly Varden, Copper
- Campground (1)
- Campground (2)
- Tying SH flies prior to going fishing
- Barry and Camp Host (L to R)
- Alan and Doty (L to R)
- Doty prepared a wonderful breakfast for us
- KispioxY-2
- KispioxVA
- KispioxZ-2
- KispioxO
- KispioxN03
- KispioxZd-1
- KispioxVC-3
- KispioxZe-1
- KispioxY-3
- KispioxH
- KispioxO02
- KispioxR
- KispioxO01
- KispioxO03
- KispioxQ03
- KispioxP
- SH_6X_FF_best03
- Raft, Kispiox
- Guide & Angler (L to R), Kispiox
- Fall colors, Kispiox
- Spider web, Kispiox
- KispioxM01
- Site near “the Potato Patch”
- the “Patch”
- KispioxY
- BC Steelhead 1B
- KispioxY-1
- KispioxVB-1
- KispioxZf-1
- KispioxVB-3
- KispioxVB-2
- KispioxVA-1
- SH_6X_FF_best01
- KispioxX-3
- Just above site of “the Patch”
- above site of “the Patch”
- KispioxR01
- KispioxS02
- KispioxS
- KispioxS01
- KispioxR03
- Kispiox (1)
- A 24 1/2” B.C. steelhead
- 24” BC hen steelhead
- A 17” Kispiox Dolly Varden
- Wayne w/ 34” hen B.C. steelhead
- 34 “ B.C. hen steelhead
- 35" BC Steelhead
- 24” BC steelhead
- 31” BC steelhead
- 27 and 1/2" BC steelhead
- KispioxS03
- KispioxN02
- KispioxX-2
- KispioxZa-1
- KispioxZa-2
- Sunset, Kispiox (1)
- Sunset, Kispiox (2)
- CloreA
- Clore (1)
- Clore (2)
- Copper (1)
- Copper(2)
- BabineA
- BabineB01
- KispioxZb-1
- KispioxZa-3
- KispioxZ-3
- KispioxF02
- KispioxJ
- KispioxG01
- KispioxG02
- KispioxG03
- KispioxC01
- KispioxL
- KispioxJ02
- KispioxQ
- KispioxF03
- KispioxG
- KispioxQ02
- KispioxN01
- picKispioxC
- BulkleyM-2
- Wayne at camp ground (1)
- Adam w/ camping gear
- Adam at camp ground
- Wayne at camp ground (2)
- KispioxZj-1
- KispioxZj-2
- KispioxZi-1
- KispioxZg-1
- KispioxZg-3
- KispioxZi-3
- Babine C
- Babine D
- BulkleyN-3
- BulkleyN-1
- Adam at breakfast
- Another wonderful breakfast by Doty (Alan, Adam, Doty (L to R))
- Float Plane to BC Trip 1
- British Columbia
- Mexico
- Mexico City & Puebla (Nov. 1985)
- MexicoA
- MexicoA01
- Polanco Hotel in Mexico City
- Mexico City (1)
- Arch in Mexico City
- ’85 earthquake damage, Mexico City
- Mexico City (2)
- Mexico City (3)
- Olympic Stadium (1)
- Olympic Stadium (2)
- Olympic Stadium (3)
- Olympic Stadium (4)
- Olympic Stadium (5)
- Olympic Stadium (6)
- Olympic Stadium (7)
- Olympic Stadium (8)
- A University in Mexico City (1)
- Olympic Stadium (9)
- A University in Mexico City (2)
- A University in Mexico City (3)
- Mexico City (4)
- Mexico City (5)
- 2 Ladies on bench, Mexico City
- Bus in Mexico City
- MexicoA02
- Mexican farmer (1)
- Mexican farmer (2)
- MexicoV03
- MexicoV01
- Puebla (1)
- View from Hotel, Puebla (1)
- View from Hotel, Puebla (2)
- Puebla (2)
- Puebla (3)
- Puebla (4)
- Puebla (5)
- Puebla (6)
- Puebla (7)
- Puebla (8)
- Puebla (9)
- Puebla (10)
- Market in Puebla (1)
- Market in Puebla (2)
- Puebla (11)
- Puebla (12)
- Puebla (13)
- Puebla (14)
- MexicoX02
- MexicoX03
- MexicoX01
- MexicoH
- MexicoZa01
- My Photos of climbing Popocatepetl (Nov. 1985)
- MexicoP01
- Amecameca (1)
- 1680 Cathedral at Amecameca
- Popocatepetl & Iztaccihuatl (L to R)
- “Popo"
- Amecameca (2)
- Motel at Amecameca
- Cortez Pass
- Tlamacas
- Popo (2)
- Iztaccihuatl
- Popo (3)
- “Izta”
- Popo (4)
- Lodge at Tlamacas & Popo
- Sunrise on Popo
- Putting crampons on
- Roping up
- MexicoZi01
- MexicoZh03
- Crater rim of Popo
- Looking into Popo’s crater (1)
- Looking into Popo’s crater (2)
- Looking into Popo’s crater (3)
- Looking into Popo’s crater (4)
- Team on summit, Phil, Randy, Wayne, Diego (L to R)
- Team on summit, Phil, Kevin, Randy, Diego (L to R)
- Team on true summit, Kevin, Phil, Randy, Diego (L to R)
- My Photos of Orizaba (Nov. 1985)
- El Pico de Orizaba
- Phil got us a ride to the Piedra Grande huts
- Tlachichuca (1)
- Tlachichuca (2)
- Tlachichuca (3)
- Farm equip. blocked road to Piedra Grande huts
- View from Piedra Grande huts (1)
- View from Piedra Grande huts (2)
- View from Piedra Grande huts (3)
- Looking toward Orizaba from Piedra Grande huts
- Mexico City & Puebla (Nov. 1985)
- New Zealand
- North Island of New Zealand
- NZ North Island 1989 Trip 1
- Wayne at Seatac Airport 31 Jan 1989 [4 pm departure]
- Auckland, NZ arrival at 9:10 am on 2 Feb 1989
- Auckland, NZ (1)
- Auckland, NZ (2)
- Auckland, NZ (3)
- Auckland, NZ (4)
- Kelly Tarlton's Aquarium, Auckland, NZ
- Auckland, NZ (5)
- Kiwis frequently do not use an umbrella when it rains (Auckland)
- Kiwis are great at jaywalking (Auckland, NZ)
- A NZ Bakery may have kiwifruit tarts (Auckland, NZ)
- One Tree Hill, Auckland, NZ
- Rotorua, NZ (1)
- Rotorua, NZ (2)
- Motor camp at Murupara, NZ
- Rangitaiki river, NZ
- Fishing with Tony near motor camp (5 Feb 1989)
- NZ Fisherman, son, and a fly caught NZ trout
- NewZealand_1989_Ae-3
- Urewera National Park (1)
- Urewera National Park (2)
- Urewera National Park (3)
- Urewera National Park (4)
- NewZealand_1989_Ag
- NewZealand_1989_Ag-1
- Wayne and dry fly caught NZ rainbow trout
- A 22" NZ rainbow trout
- Cooking fish with Firefly stove
- NewZealand_1989_Ah-1
- NewZealand_1989_Ah-2
- Beach near Napier, NZ
- Napier, NZ (1)
- Napier, NZ (2)
- Marineland entrance at Napier, NZ
- Marineland (1)
- Marineland (2)
- NewZealand_1989_Ak-3
- A domestic NZ deer in pasture with high fences
- Cable Car, Wellington, NZ (1)
- Cable Car, Wellington, NZ (2)
- Wellington, NZ
- NZ North Island 1989 Trip 1
- South Island of New Zealand
- NZ South Island 1989 Trip 1A
- NewZealand_1989_An
- Wellington to Picton ferry ride (1)
- Wellington to Picton ferry ride (2)
- Wellington to Picton ferry ride (3)
- View from Picton, NZ
- Picton, NZ
- NewZealand_1989_Ap-2
- Camp site between Picton and Nelson, NZ
- View of Nelson, NZ from Botanical Hill
- A cricket game in Nelson, NZ
- Nelson, NZ (1)
- Nelson, NZ (2)
- Nelson, NZ (3)
- Nelson, NZ (4)
- Nelson, NZ (5)
- NewZealand_1989_Au
- Collingwood, NZ
- Farewell Spit Safari (1)
- Farewell Spit Safari (2)
- Farewell Spit Safari (3)
- Farewell Spit Lighthouse
- View hiking up the Farewell Spit Lighthouse
- Farewell Spit sand dune
- Farewell Spit Safari (4)
- I stayed overnight in Collingwood at a cabin
- NZ South Island 1989 Trip 1B
- I got acquainted with Deborah, Nader and Diane
- West Coast of New Zealand (1)
- West Coast of New Zealand (2)
- West Coast of New Zealand near Charleston (1)
- West Coast of New Zealand near Charleston (2)
- West Coast of New Zealand near Charleston (3)
- West Coast of New Zealand (3)
- West Coast of New Zealand (4)
- Pancake Rocks (1)
- Pancake Rocks (2)
- Lake Kaniere, NZ (1)
- Lake Kaniere, NZ (2)
- Lake Kaniere, NZ (3)
- NewZealand_1989_Ba-1
- Mt. Aspiring (1)
- Mt. Aspiring (2)
- Mt. Aspiring (3)
- NewZealand_1989_Bb-1
- Mt. Aspiring (4)
- I saw a trout feeding in this hole; the sandflies were terrible!
- A bridge with bungy jumping
- A van dropped me off at one end of the Greenstone Track
- A NZ trout caught on my "Lucky NZ fly rod"
- A NZ trout for dinner
- My Early Winters tent did fine in the NZ rain
- Greenstone Track (1)
- N.Z.F.S. McKellar Hut [my McHale backpack is on the deck]
- Greenstone Track - McKellar Lake
- Greenstone Track (2)
- Greenstone Track (3)
- Greenstone Track (4)
- NewZealand_1989_Be-3
- Milford Sound (1)
- I rode on this site seeing tour boat at Milford Sound
- Milford Sound (2)
- Milford Sound (3)
- NewZealand_1989_Bfa-2
- Milford Sound (4)
- Mitre Peak and Milford Sound
- NZ South Island 1989 Trip 1C
- Wayne at Queenstown motor camp (purchased fly rod in Napier)
- Vickie and Tony at Queenstown motor camp
- Heading toward Mt. Cook
- NewZealand_1989_Bfb-3
- NewZealand_1989_Bfc
- Flying around Mt. Cook (1)
- Flying around Mt. Cook (2)
- Flying around Mt. Cook (3)
- Flying around Mt. Cook (4)
- Flying around Mt. Cook (5)
- NewZealand_1989_Bfd-2
- NewZealand_1989_Bfd-3
- View of Mt. Cook from Hermitage Coffee shop
- NewZealand_1989_Bfe-1
- Mt. Cook (1)
- Mt. Cook (2)
- Mt. Cook (3)
- NZ South Island 1989 Trip 1D
- NZ South Island 1989 Trip 1A
- The Sport of Mountaineering
- Photos on Mountaineering
- Reference 1 article (Part 1)
- Reference 1 article (Part 2)
- Reference 1 article (Part 3)
- Reference 1 article (Part 4)
- Reference 1 article (Part 5)
- Reference 1 article (Part 6)
- Reference 1 article (Part 7)
- Reference 2 cover
- Reference 3 cover
- Reference 3 title on p. 227
- Reference 4 cover
- Reference 4 price tag inside cover
- My Mountaineering Photos
- Memorial Day, ’68, climb of St. Helens: Unknown, Bill, Wayne, Tom (L to R)
- Wayne’s total mountain summit attempts (through 1993)
- A plot of Wayne’s mountain summit attempts (through 1993)
- Reference 1 (cover)
- Wayne’s Reference 1 - July ‘93
- Wayne’s Reference 1 - 2 weeks in July ‘93
- 1993_Events_RevF
- Sekiu_20_August_1993
- Mildred_Lakes_11_Sept_1993
- Jetty_Fishing_Trip_1993
- UW_vs_EC_Football_1993
- UW_vs_E_Carolina_football(25Sept93)
- Mt_Adams_1993_Trip
- Mt_Adams_1993_1
- Mt_Adams_1993_2
- Summit of Mt. Adams, 1993 trip (1)
- Summit of Mt. Adams, 1993 trip (2)
- View of Mt. Rainier from summit of Mt. Adams, 1993 trip
- My Mountaineering Photos (Part 2)
- The Sport of Track & Field (T & F)
- My Photos of the Goodwill Games (Part 1)
- The Track & Field events had good attendance
- The shot put area was in the middle of the field
- A TV commentator along the marathon route
- The 1st male runner (a few miles from the end)
- The 2nd male runner
- The 3rd male runner (is from Canada)
- USA’s 1st male runner
- More marathon runners coming by
- Water station (1)
- A spectator asked me to take a photo of her brother
- Water station (2)
- Water station (3)
- TBS televised the Goodwill Games
- The women marathoners “getting ready”
- The women marathoners at the start
- Currently 1st in the women’s marathon
- Currently 2nd in the women’s marathon
- Currently 3rd in the women’s marathon
- USA’s 1st competitor in the women’s marathon
- GoodwillGmsG-1
- picGoodwillGamSld20
- USA’s 2nd female competitor
- USA’s 3rd female competitor
- GoodwillGmsF-1
- picGoodwillGamSld24
- It was dark when the track events ended.
- My Photos of the Goodwill Games (Part 2)
- Official 1990 Goodwill Games Guide (cover)
- 1990 Goodwill Games Guide (Introduction)
- 1990 Goodwill Games Guide (Track & Field) - Page 4
- 1990 Goodwill Games Guide (Ticket order form) - Page 19
- 1990 Goodwill Games Program - Day 3, cover
- 1990 Goodwill Games Program - Day 3, page 33
- 1990 Goodwill Games Program - Day 4, cover
- 1990 Goodwill Games Program - Day 4, page 30
- 1990 Goodwill Games women’s 3K article (part 1, reference 1)
- 1990 Goodwill Games women’s 3K article (part 2, reference 1)
- 1990 Goodwill Games Program - Day 6, cover
- 1990 Goodwill Games Track&Field Ticket 7/25/90-signed by PSP
- 1990 Goodwill Games Track&Field Ticket 7/25/90 (back)
- Received letter from PSP on 8 November 1990 (front of envelope)
- Received letter from PSP on 8 November 1990 (back of envelope)
- Received letter from PSP on 8 November 1990 (the letter)
- Received letter from PSP on 8 November 1990 (front of card)
- Received letter from PSP on 8 November 1990 (opened card)
- My Photos of Pac-10 Track & Field Championships - 1991
- Oak Canyon’s Slide Rock State Park (1)
- Oak Canyon’s Slide Rock State Park (2)
- Oak Canyon’s Slide Rock State Park (3)
- Rock formations near Sedona, AZ (1)
- Sedona, AZ (1)
- Sedona, AZ (2)
- Sedona, AZ (3)
- Rock formations near Sedona, AZ (2)
- RV Park along Middle Verde R. (Hwy 17)
- Cactus along Hwy approaching Phoenix, AZ (1)
- Cactus along Hwy approaching Phoenix, AZ (2)
- Tempe, AZ (1)
- Tempe, AZ (2)
- Ticket stub (Day 1)
- Ticket stub (Day 2)
- Program cover
- Pre meet Top 10 Best Times List (Men) in Program (page 2)
- Pre meet Top 10 Best Times List (Women) in Program (page 3)
- Event: Men’s 3000m Steeplechase final
- Women’s [unknown] distance race final
- Event: Women’s 100m Hurdles final
- Reference 2 article (part 1)
- Reference 2 article (part 2)
- Reference 2 article (part 3)
- Reference 2 article (part 4)
- Reference 2 article (part 5)
- My Photos of NCAA Track & Field Championships - 1991
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 1, 29 May 1991 (cover)
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 1, 29 May 1991 (page 2)
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 1, 29 May 1991 (page 26)
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 1, 29 May 1991 (page 36)
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 2, 30 May 1991 (cover)
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 2, 30 May 1991 (page 2)
- Wayne’s Day 3 ticket stub
- View of East grandstand during the 1991 Outdoor NCAA Track & Field Championships at Hayward Field
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 3, 31 May 1991 (cover)
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 3, 31 May 1991 (page 2)
- Reference 1 (Part 1)
- Reference 1 (Part 2)
- Reference 1 (Part 3)
- Reference 1 (Part 4)
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 4, 1 June 1991 (cover)
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 4, 1 June 1991 (page 2)
- Reference 2 (Part 1)
- Reference 2 (Part 2)
- Reference 2 (Part 3)
- Reference 2 (Part 4)
- Reference 2 (Part 5)
- Reference 2 (Part 6)
- My Photos of The Prefontaine Classic - 1991
- Wayne’s 1991 Prefontaine Classic ticket stub
- Reference 1 Program (cover)
- Reference 1 page 1
- Reference 1 page 3
- Reference 1 page 15
- Reference 2 article
- Reference 1 page 9
- Women’s 800 meter run
- Men’s 5000 meters run
- Reference 1 page 11
- Final instructions prior to Women’s mile run
- Participants getting ready to line up for Women’s mile run
- I took my analog stop watch to this meet
- Reference 3 (Part 1)
- Reference 3 (Part 2)
- Reference 3 (Part 3)
- Reference 3 (Part 4)
- Reference 3 (Part 5)
- Reference 3 (Part 6)
- Reference 3 (Part 7)
- Reference 3 (Part 8)
- Reference 3 (Part 9)
- Reference 4 (Part 1)
- Reference 4 (Part 2)
- Reference 4 (Part 3)
- My Photos of NCAA Track & Field Championships - 1992
- City of Austin (1)
- City of Austin (2)
- City of Austin (3)
- City of Austin (4)
- Near City of Austin
- City of Austin (5)
- City of Austin (6)
- City of Austin (7)
- The State Capitol of Texas at Austin
- City of Austin (8)
- City of Austin (9)
- City of Austin (10)
- Wayne bought this hat while in Austin to spectate at the ’92 NCAA Track and Field Championships
- Wayne’s Day 1 ticket stub
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 1, 3 June 1992 (cover)
- Wayne’s Day 2 ticket stub
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 2, 4 June 1992 (cover)
- Wayne’s Day 3 ticket stub
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 3, 5 June 1992 (cover)
- Wayne’s Day 4 ticket stub
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 4, 6 June 1992 (cover)
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 4, 6 June 1992 (page 1)
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 4, 6 June 1992 (page 4)
- Men’s Shot Put competition
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 4, 6 June 1992 (page 20)
- Men’s Pole Vault competition
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 4, 6 June 1992 (page 28)
- Women’s 100m Hurdles competition (final, near finish)
- Men’s 110m Hurdles competition (final, at 1st hurdle)
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 4, 6 June 1992 (page 31)
- Men’s 400m final results reported in Reference 1
- Official NCAA Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Championships Program - Day 4, 6 June 1992 (page 41)
- Men’s 3K Steeplechase competition (1)
- Men’s 3K Steeplechase competition (2)
- Men’s High Jump competition
- My Photos of Olympics TV coverage for Track and Field - 1992
- Reference 1 (cover)
- Reference 1 (page 2)
- Reference 1 (page 3)
- Reference 1 (page 4)
- Reference 1 (page 7)
- Reference 1 (page 7, column 1, top)
- Reference 1 (page 7, column 1, row 1)
- Reference 1 (page 8)
- Reference 1 (page 9)
- Reference 1 (page 6)
- Reference 1 (back page)
- My set of 1992 Olympics Track & Field VCR Tapes
- Table of Track & Field VCR Tapes - 1992 Olympics TV coverage
- My video page of women’s 100m round 1, heat 5 - 1992 Olympics (reference 1)
- My video page of women’s 400m round 1, heat 5 - 1992 Olympics (reference 1)
- My video page of women’s 3000m final - 1992 Olympics (reference 1)
- My video page of women’s 1500m final - 1992 Olympics (reference 1)
- My video page of NBC Tribute to Steve Prefontaine - 1992 Olympics (reference 1)
- My Photos of Pac-10 Track & Field Outdoor Championships - 1993
- Vermont and hot air balloon near Yreka, CA (1)
- Vermont and hot air balloon near Yreka, CA (2)
- Hot air balloon near Yreka, CA
- Reference 1 program (cover)
- Reference 1 program (page 1)
- Reference 1 program (page 2)
- Reference 1 program (page 3)
- Reference 1 program (page 4)
- Reference 1 program (page 5)
- Reference 1 program (page 6)
- Reference 1 program (page 7)
- Reference 1 program (page 8)
- Reference 1 program (page 9)
- Reference 1 program (page 24)
- Reference 1 program (page 28)
- Reference 1 program (page 29)
- Reference 1 program (page 30)
- Pac-10 Track & Field Outdoor Championships T-shirt 1993
- My Photos of NCAA Outdoor Track and Field Championships - 1993
- Reference 1 (part 1)
- Reference 1 (part 2)
- Reference 1 (part 3)
- Reference 2 (part 1)
- Reference 2 (part 2)
- Reference 2 (part 3)
- Reference 2 (part 4)
- Day 1 ticket
- Reference 3 cover
- Reference 3 page 3
- Reference 3 page 18
- Reference 3 page 22
- Reference 3 page 25
- Day 2 ticket
- Reference 4 cover
- Reference 4 page 3
- Day 3 ticket
- Reference 5 cover
- Reference 5 page 3
- Reference 5 page 25
- Reference 7 (part 1 only)
- Day 4 ticket
- Reference 6 cover
- Reference 6 page 3
- Reference 9
- Reference 10
- Reference 13
- Wayne bought this T-shirt at the 1993 NCAA Outdoor Track and Field Championships meet
- NewOrleans_1993_41
- NewOrleans_1993_42
- NewOrleans_1993_43
- NewOrleans_1993_46
- NewOrleans_1993_47
- NewOrleans_1993_48
- NewOrleans_1993_49
- My Photos of USA Outdoor Track and Field Championships - 1993
- Day 3 ticket
- Reference 1 cover
- Reference 1 page 6
- Reference 1 page 9
- Reference 2
- Reference 2 (100 HH (W)) Heat 1 photo
- Reference 3 (100m (W) final)
- Reference 3 (100m (W)) Final photo
- Reference 6 (100m (W) final)
- Reference 4 (100m (M) final)
- Reference 4 (100m (M)) Final photo
- Reference 7 (100m (M) final)
- Day 4 ticket
- Reference 5 (100m HH (W) final)
- Day 5 ticket
- Wayne bought this T-shirt at the 1993 USA Outdoor Track and Field Championships meet
- My Photos of Pac-10 Track & Field Outdoor Championships - 1994
- My Photos of NCAA Track & Field Outdoor Championships - 1994
- NCAA_Chmp_1994_Ticket_Day_1
- NCAA_Chmp_1994_Prog_Day_1_0
- NCAA_Chmp_1994_Prog_Day_1_p_3
- NCAA_Chmp_1994_Prog_Day_1_p_19
- NCAA_Chmp_1994_Prog_Day_1_p_20
- NCAA_Chmp_1994_Prog_Day_1_p_21
- NCAA_Chmp_1994_Prog_Day_1_p_34
- NCAA_Chmp_1994_Prog_Day_1_p_38
- NCAA_Chmp_1994_Ticket_Day_2
- NCAA_Chmp_1994_Prog_Day_2_0
- NCAA_Chmp_1994_Ticket_Day_3
- NCAA_Chmp_1994_Prog_Day_3_0
- NCAA_Chmp_1994_Prog_Day_3_p_7
- NCAA_Chp_1994: Men’s 110m High Hurdles Heat 1
- Reference 6: NCAA Championships 1994 Day 3 110m High Hurdles Men's heat results
- NCAA_Chmp_1994_Ticket_Day_4
- NCAA_Chmp_1994_Prog_Day_4_0
- NCAA_Chmp_1994_Prog_Day_4_p_4
- NCAA_Chp_1994: 1500m Women’s final
- Reference 7: NCAA Championships 1994 Day 4 1500m Women Final results
- NCAA_Chp_1994: The start/finish area
- NCAA_Chp_1994: Long Jump area
- NCAA_Chp_1994: High Jump area
- NCAA_Chp_1994: The Shot Put area (1)
- NCAA_Chp_1994: The Awards area
- NCAA_Chp_1994: A Men’s Middle Distance Final
- NCAA_Chp_1994_1
- NCAA_Chp_1994: The Shot Put area (2)
- NCAA_Chp_1994: The Shot Put area (3)
- Wayne, Vermont (L to R), during the 1994 NCAA Championships Trip
- My Photos of The Prefontaine Classic - 1996
- Prefontaine_Classic_1996_ticket
- Reference 1 Program(cover)
- Reference 1 Program (inside_cover)
- Reference 1 Program page 1
- Reference 1 Program page 2
- Reference 1 Program page 3
- Reference 1 Program page 5
- Reference 1 Program page 8
- Reference 1 Program page 10
- Reference 1 Program page 26
- Pre_Classic_1996_slide_07 (3K women)
- Pre_Classic_1996_slide_18 (3K women)
- Pre_Classic_1996_slide_19
- Reference 2 article page 1
- Reference 2 article page 2
- My Photos of NCAA Track & Field Outdoor Championships - 1996
- NCAA_Track & Field_Championships 1996 Ticket (Day_1)
- Reference 1 Program Cover (Day_1)
- Reference 1 Program page 16
- NCAA_Track & Field_Championships 1996 Ticket (Day_2)
- Reference 2 Program Cover (Day_2)
- NCAA_Track & Field_Championships 1996 Ticket (Day_3)
- Reference 3 Program Cover (Day_3)
- NCAA_Track & Field_Championships 1996 Ticket (Day_4)
- Reference 4 Program Cover (Day_4)
- My Photos of The Prefontaine Classic - 1997
- 1_Prefontaine_Classic_1997_ticket
- 2_reference_1_cover
- 3_reference_1_page_1
- 4_reference_1_page_2
- 5_reference_1_page_3
- 5a_Slide_17
- 5b_Slide_18
- 5c_Slide_20
- 6_reference_1_page_27
- 7_reference_1_page_20
- 7a_Slide_16
- 7b_Slide_19
- 7c_Slide_21
- 7d_Slide_22
- 8_reference_1_page_9
- 9_reference_1_page_10
- 10_reference_1_page_11
- 11_reference_1_page_25
- 12_reference_2_page_23
- 13_reference_2_page_23
- My Junior/Senior High Track Photos
- Wayne preparing for a 440y run in 8th grade
- Wayne starting a 440 yd run
- Wayne finished 2nd in this 440 yd run
- Wayne leading a 880 yd run in the 8th grade
- MyPerformances(8th_grade)
- DSC01496
- MyPerformances(9th_grade)
- Wayne running a relay leg during a HS meet
- Randy, Rick, Wayne (L to R), about 2 start TE Mar.
- Rick, Wayne (L to R) in ‘73 Trails End Marathon
- Wayne’s (on R) 880 time improved post marathon
- Wayne, the Seaside Beach run, 18 Aug 73
- ’71 Portland Indoor Program (1)
- ’71 Portland Indoor Program (2)
- ’71 Portland Indoor Program (3)
- ’71 Portland Indoor Program (4)
- ’71 Portland Indoor Program (5)
- ’71 Portland Indoor Program (6)
- ’71 Portland Indoor Program (7)
- My Junior/Senior High Track Photos (Part 2)
- I tracked my average [of best 4] 880 performances during my Junior (9th grade only)/Senior High years
- Reference 1 article on SWW Sub-District preliminaries
- Reference 1 article/results on SWW Sub-District preliminaries
- Reference 2 article on SWW Sub-District (part 1)
- Reference 2 article on SWW Sub-District (part 2)
- Reference 2 article on SWW Sub-District (part 3)
- Reference 2 article on SWW Sub-District (part 4)
- Reference 2 article on SWW Sub-District (part 5)
- SWW Sub-District Track Winning Times over multiple years
- SWW Sub-District Track Winning Times over multiple years (ascending 880 times)
- SWW Sub-District Track Winning Times over multiple years (ascending mile times)
- Mark Morris’ Top 10 List for the 880 following the 1974 track season (reference 5)
- Mark Morris’ Top 12 List for the 800 following the 1988 track season (see note 2>)
- MyPerformances(HS_880)_RevB
- MyPerformances(Summary)_RevB
- 1974_grad_MM_winning_times(880)_RevNew
- My Junior/Senior High Track Photos (Part 3)
- My Track Photos - 1995
- Reference 1 Calendar (front cover)
- Reference 1 Calendar (back cover)
- Track_Events_1995_RevF
- Oregon_Track_and_Field_card(front)
- Oregon_Track_and_Field_1995_card(back)
- Oregon_Inv_1995_ticket
- Pepsi_Team_Inv_1995_ticket
- Pac-10 Track and Field Championships Program 1995 (cover)
- NCAA Track and Field Championships 1995 program cover (Day 1)
- NCAA Track and Field Championships 1995 program cover (Day 2)
- NCAA Track and Field Championships 1995 program cover (Day 3)
- NCAA Track and Field Championships 1995 program cover (Day 4)
- Reference 3 article
- Reference 3 candles
- Reference 3 candle paper base
- Reference 4 page 3
- Reference 4 page 112 [paragraph]
- Prefontaine_Classic_1995(ticket)
- reference_2(cover)
- Reference_2_p_2
- reference_2_p_3
- reference_2_p_4
- reference_2(back)
- My Track Photos - 1996
- My Track Photos - 1997
- 1997 Washington Scenic Calendar (front cover)
- 1997 Washington Scenic Calendar (back cover)
- Track_Events_1997_RevB
- Reference 2 article
- Reference 3 advertisement
- Reference 9 DVD (front cover)
- Reference 9 DVD (back cover)
- Prefontaine_movie_ticket(1997_Jan_26)
- 1997 Pepsi Team Invitational ticket
- 1997 Pac-10 Track and Field Championships program (cover)
- 1997 NCAA Track and Field Championships program (cover) Day 1
- 1997 NCAA Track and Field Championships program (page 24) Day 1
- 1997 NCAA Track and Field Championships program (page 3) Day 1
- 1997 NCAA Track and Field Championships program (cover) Day 2
- 1997 NCAA Track and Field Championships program (cover) Day 3
- 1997 NCAA Track and Field Championships program (cover) Day 4
- My Track Photos - 1998
- Table of Comparable Track Times (English/Metric)
- My Photos of the Goodwill Games (Part 1)
- Running for fun
- The Sport of Football
- My photos of the 1992 Rose Bowl
- Rose_Bowl_ticket(1_Jan_1992)
- Reference 1 (cover)
- Reference 1 (page 2)
- Reference 1 (page 3)
- Reference 1 (page 4)
- Airplane to Palm Springs
- Wayne, Doris & Vermont (L to R)
- Rose Bowl
- Wayne, Doris (L to R)
- 1992 Rose Bowl Game (1)
- 1992 Rose Bowl Game (2)
- 1992 Rose Bowl Game (3)
- 1992 Rose Bowl Game (4)
- 1992 Rose Bowl Game (5)
- 1992 Rose Bowl Game (half-time)
- 1992 Rose Bowl Game (6)
- 1992 Rose Bowl Game (7)
- 1992 Rose Bowl - Score board near end of Game
- 1992 Rose Bowl - Post Game Celebration
- My photos of the 1998 Rose Bowl
- On the drive down we stopped for lunch
- Rose_Bowl_ticket(1998_Jan_1)
- Reference 1 (cover)
- Reference 1 (page 4)
- Reference 1 (page 5)
- Reference 1 (page 6)
- Reference 1 (page 8)
- Reference 1 (page 10)
- Vermont & Doris
- Vermont, Wayne (L to R)
- 1998 Rose Bowl Game (1)
- 1998 Rose Bowl Game (2)
- 1998 Rose Bowl Game (3)
- 1998 Rose Bowl Game (4)
- 1998 Rose Bowl Game (5)
- 1998 Rose Bowl Half-time
- 1998 Rose Bowl Game (6)
- 1998 Rose Bowl Game (7)
- 1998 Rose Bowl Game (8)
- Rose Bowl 1998 final score: Michigan 21 - WSU 16
- AMTRAK_train_schedule_pg_1
- AMTRAK_train_schedule_pg_2
- View from train window
- The train came to a halt for 30 minutes (1)
- The train came to a halt for 30 minutes (2)
- My Junior/Senior High Football Photos
- Cascade (8th grade) First String Offense & Defense (Photo courtesy of Mr. Hicks)
- Cascade vs. Monticello (8th grade): Jerry H. (#25), Wayne (#35), (Photo courtesy of Mr. Hicks)
- Cascade vs. Monticello (8th grade): Jerry H. (#25), Wayne (#35), (Photo courtesy of Mr. Hicks)
- Cascade vs. Monticello (8th grade): Jerry H. (#25), Wayne (#35), Nick (#12), (Photo courtesy of Mr. Hicks)
- Reference 1 article: Just after first Cascade vs. Monticello (9th grade) Junior High game
- Reference 2 article: Mark Morris (Varsity) vs. Chehalis High School game (Part 1)
- Reference 2 article: Mark Morris (Varsity) vs. Chehalis High School game (Part 2)
- Reference 2 article: Mark Morris (Varsity) vs. Chehalis High School game (Part 3)
- Reference 3 article: Mark Morris (Varsity) vs. Battle Ground High School game
- Reference 3 Photo: Mark Morris’ League Leader in TDs
- Reference 4 article: End of Season League Standings (Part 1)
- Reference 4 article: End of Season League Standings (Part 2)
- My Junior/Senior High Football Photos (Part 2)
- Reference 2 Game Program (cover)
- Wayne (#87) tackled Kelso kick returner near the 50 yard line
- Reference 3 article
- Reference 4 article
- Reference 5 article
- Reference 6 Game Program (cover)
- Reference 7 article (part 1)
- Reference 7 article (part 2)
- Reference 8 Game Program (cover)
- Reference 9 article (part 1)
- Reference 9 article (part 2)
- Reference 9 article (part 3)
- Reference 9 article (part 4)
- Reference 9 article (part 5)
- Reference 10 article (part 1)
- Reference 10 article (part 2)
- Reference 10 article (part 3)
- Reference 10 article (part 4)
- Reference 11 Game Program (cover)
- My photos of the 1992 Rose Bowl