

Photo is Cat Peak (seen from Cat Basin)

In 1983, when I did the Bailey Traverse [and exited at Dodger Point], we didn't take time to climb Cat Peak on that trip. I returned to this area in 2010 and '11 w/ 2 other people to see the High Divide and 7 Lakes Basin area. Of course we climbed Cat Peak too, but only on the 2nd trip did we reach the true summits. 

The "Olympics_N" photo albums can be viewed by selecting Trails & Routes->Olympics_N->7 Lakes Basin (2010, Part 1), ->7 Lakes Basin (2010, Part 2), ->7 Lakes Basin (2011 Trip), ->Bailey Traverse (North, Part 1) - 1993, ->Bailey Traverse (North, Part2) - 1983, ->Bailey Traverse (South) - 1994, ->Elwha River Trip - 1993 from menu bar above.

© Wayne's Beach House site 2011